Title: You and Me and a Dog Named Flea
Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Disclaimer: Annie Prouxl owns the timeless characters in BBM. I'm writing from love and making no profit.
Summary: AU!AU set in Flea Universe. Part 2 of the marathon episode.
My Deepest Thanks: to Em
smiles-a-lot who took her time to edit this chapter and make my writings more sensible. *
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Comments 102
But as I said, I am a slow writer. And I'm always busy but it's fun just to think about writing. Guess that's a good thing.
And I'm so glad Rachel took a hike. I'd like to know what she will have to say when Ennis calls her to end it for good...
Thanks for the update- I will wait as long as necessary for a mini-sequel!!
Thanks! And now I'm catching up on your story. 2 chapters now and I LOVE it! Always love men with apron heh heh
Now rush to chapter 3 :)
Thank you for this and I hope you do a mini-sequal!
It won't be soon for the sequal. But I can promise you that there will be one, eventually lol
Have a nice day~
oH I was so happy to see this story updated. I just ]realized how much I had missed them. I enjoyed the party, and the race, and Ennis being a hero at the end. I am also
glad to hear you are going to bring them to see us again, from time to time.. thanks ever so. janice
Thanks, Janice :)
That's why I'm still writing, knowing that somebody still wants to read it.
*hugs you*
there's really nothing more to add, you described it so beautifully
oh blues I'm sitting here in true bliss because of this chapter full of love and friendship
thanks so much(and I'm glad Rachel got the 'hint')
I like the manip with the two love slaves- LOL and I'm looking forward the the other ones
thanks so much
Thanks for reading and share the bliss! I'm just as happy when I write. It's just great to have someone to share my writings with. :)
I like the manip with the two love slaves
Glad you like it! There're more, like I said, but there's not much differences, just the color, etc. But I'll post them soon.
Thanks for sticking with me :D
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