With a Taste of Poison Paradise; I'm Addicted to You

Oct 14, 2010 08:06

My Boss needs to come back from Spain ( Read more... )

starbucks, work, random

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Comments 4

spotts1701 October 14 2010, 03:43:09 UTC
If you're on the express train to hell, I'm the guy in the seat next to you. Half my job is baffling people with bullshit (the other half is trying to dazzle with brilliance).


frickangel October 14 2010, 04:49:12 UTC
We'll at least have each other for company. =D


anothersadsong October 14 2010, 04:24:57 UTC
congrats on passing, but i'm sorry you're barely treading water at work. i hope it gets better soon!


frickangel October 14 2010, 04:49:49 UTC
Thanks, bb! =DD


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