Wallpaper ~ Lee Pace | Divine Intervention

Jan 28, 2009 07:51

The things my brain wants me to do when it's late at night and I'm on holiday. Apparently, it refuses to let me just sit around and rot away. Instead, it hounds me with stupid bunnies for wallpapers.

In any case...

*hugs her pie maker Lee Pace*

{ 1440 * 900 }
{ 1024 * 768}

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wallpaper, lee pace, fanart, pushing daisies

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Comments 28

otempora42 January 28 2009, 00:27:08 UTC
He is so adorable. <3



frickangel January 29 2009, 01:11:53 UTC
No problem. Glad you liked it. =)


aggiegurl22 January 28 2009, 01:09:20 UTC
Oh Lee...why do you have to be so gorgeous, and therefore, make me sad that I'll never have you! XD

Lovely, thanks!


frickangel January 29 2009, 01:14:43 UTC
Lol. I know the feeling. Glad you liked it. =)


michellemtsu January 28 2009, 01:17:40 UTC
Awesome work!


frickangel January 29 2009, 01:15:42 UTC
Thanks =)


kennethchrislee January 28 2009, 01:26:06 UTC
Love this wallpaper. And Lee times three? Oh my.


frickangel January 29 2009, 01:16:20 UTC
You just have no idea which one to focus on, right? lol. =)


lessthaninfamy January 28 2009, 01:39:51 UTC
goodness me. that is beautiful. it has made my crappy day just a little bit better. :]
p.s. yay for making a widescreen version! <3 my laptop is happy. haha


frickangel January 29 2009, 01:20:51 UTC
Lol. Thanks =) My PC is actually on widescreen, too, so it *was* originally made for that.


lessthaninfamy January 29 2009, 01:32:24 UTC
hahah well thank you for that! i always find nice wallpapers but then they never fit. its quite sad. lol


frickangel January 30 2009, 00:39:41 UTC
Tell me about it. Hence why I always try to make two resolutions though the widescreen one always makes things easier. XD


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