Belated Birthday Thank Yous

Mar 16, 2006 01:35

Just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciated the Birthday Thoughts and Presents that were sent:

A special thank you to my dear wife, thejunebug, for my wonderful cake (Coconut Creme) and my Harry Potter themed Birthday. She gave me:
A Hogwarts polo shirt:
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Comments 4

warped_factor March 17 2006, 11:07:26 UTC
I'm still going to get you a present, too! I wanted to be kind of original and not just grab something off your wishlist. *g* I actually found something that I thought was perfect for you, but it was damaged, and I had to return it. :P

When do you think you guys might be down next? If it won't be for a while, should I just mail your gift?


freyaskat March 17 2006, 11:41:04 UTC
Wow! another birthday present. No need to mail it, we will have to come down and visit soon. Hmm, how about this weekend?


thejunebug March 17 2006, 12:47:38 UTC
Sounds great to me! Let's leave now!


freyaskat March 17 2006, 12:53:06 UTC
Can we take the cats, too?


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