
Oct 11, 2010 15:24

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...I'm really not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's Madhouse, which means that it's the same team who did Death Note, so it's going to be gorgeously executed. On the other hand, Japanese voice acting overlaying Kansas. It kind of makes my brain twitch. ^^; (Also, did Sam shoot the Impala? Did I actually see that?)

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video, supernatural, anime

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Comments 5

lizfu October 12 2010, 03:58:38 UTC
The Japanese voices are alright.....I guess.

And the Engrish cover of Kansas makes my ears bleed D:

Otherwise, it looks like it could be a cool interpretation of Seasons 1 and 2! I think I'll be watching the dub, though.

(Curses! No angels. Maybe they'll remake the episode with the Trickster, so we'll at least get angel-incognito.)


fresica October 12 2010, 04:15:42 UTC
Oh, I would definitely be watching the dub. lol There's just something about watching the Winchesters in Japanese that seems wrong. I wish that there were Castiel! The otaku in me would love that!


phoenixacid October 12 2010, 08:23:48 UTC
Woah! Looks quite awesome. Too bad they couldn't get the boys to be the seiyuus. xD


fresica October 12 2010, 18:30:15 UTC
It would be so awesome, if they did! I would definitely watch, in that case! lol


lilian_cho October 19 2010, 01:33:10 UTC
Hahahaha, I don't watch the original show but to me Japanese animation makes it 1000X better. (For one, there's no such thing as cheap-looking special effects in anime *g*)

My suspension of disbelief extends to Vikings speaking English in a Scottish accent, so ;-)


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