WIP meme

Mar 02, 2010 17:50

Taken from a couple of people. And I'll try to use some that I didn't use last time. ^^;

Post a line or paragraph from one (or more!) of your works-in-progresses, and encourage your flist to do the same.
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meme, supernatural, merlin, fic preview, fandom

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Comments 9

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fresica March 3 2010, 05:08:00 UTC
#1 is totally inspired by Chance Meeting by Susan Browne. It's been nagging at me since I first heard the poem, a few months back. (It even has a sequel coming. Eventually.) And 5 is actually a prompt from someone. (Can't remember who, anymore!) Something about cowboys...? Anyway, I'm still trying to get the research done on it, but by god, I will get it written! (If for no other reason than putting Arthur and Merlin in chaps and leaving Morgana and Gwen in charge of a Texas ranch.)


accordingtomel March 3 2010, 13:40:43 UTC
Ooh, very intriguing! I so want to read these fic. Number 6 sounds especially interesting and angsty and I love stuff like that :D. I should maybe do this. I have a good 4-5 WIPs going on at the moment too ;)

I really am going to throw a fit if we don't get a magic reveal this season!!!


fresica March 3 2010, 20:13:26 UTC
You should do it! Absolutely! And, ohmygod, no freaking kidding. It totally should have happened this season - I get that it's the tagline for the show and all, but they can't keep Arthur in the dark much longer without completely stripping him of all intelligence!


auroraprimavera March 3 2010, 14:51:59 UTC



fresica March 3 2010, 20:09:01 UTC
How did I know you'd go for that one...? XD


auroraprimavera March 3 2010, 20:21:06 UTC
Gee, I don't know....


fresica March 3 2010, 21:08:44 UTC
Well, it's good that you like it, since it's meant to be yours, from that drabbles meme... I swear I'll get it done for you soon!


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