Fandom-y stuff.

Jul 30, 2009 04:41

Nothing depresses me faster than a good prompt done badly. I wanted to CRY ( Read more... )


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fresica July 30 2009, 14:27:47 UTC
lol The whole reason I started dithering on the whole mpreg vs. genderswap was because I was afraid people might skip over it if I went with my initial mpreg idea. Which sounds really rather shallow, but I put a lot into building up the plot and everything... *whines* Anyhow, randomb33 kind of gave me the idea of asking around before deciding. (And since I can't continue it til I find my flashdrive... =_=)

The prompt was this one. I like the idea, but maybe I'm too much of a fic snob - I didn't like the execution of the reply too much.


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fresica July 30 2009, 14:54:15 UTC
That's what I was thinking, actually. Mpreg seems to scare away more people. But at the same time, I would love to explore the social ramifications in the fic itself. (Well, really, I'll be doing that regardless of which route I go. I will absolutely not be glossing anything over.)

I left with the same feeling, except for the bit where Merlin swore off magic. That pushed me more into the, "No, but WHY??" camp.


flammablehat July 30 2009, 14:28:18 UTC
Wait, there's the potential for societal backlash in your story or IRL -- like in fandom?

So far as squickiness goes, I've personally never found either one squickish... though if I had to guess I'd say more people would be turned off by mpreg than genderswap. Then again, good mpreg is rare and seems like it'd be particularly interesting in this instance because it appears to serve the plot as more than just a random plot device, which I think both mpreg and even gswap can occasionally fall prey to. *shrug* /not helpful

LOL and agreed re: the kinkmeme prompt. But what's so great about it is that multiple entries can be made to one prompt, so somebody could always come along and fix it! Ya never know.


fresica July 30 2009, 14:36:29 UTC
Well, actually, there could be backlash from both, I suppose, but I was thinking in the story itself. Cause, either way, a prominent male figure at court is going to end up carrying a baby. The question is just whether he'll keep his boy-bits while doing it. (And wow, self, could you have phrased that more offensively?) Also, I suppose I lied about it not effecting the fic. It could very well effect what kind/the severity of said backlash. (GAH! POLITICS OF A DYNASTIC, PATRIARCHAL MONARCHY IN A SOCIETY WHERE WOMEN ARE BARGAINING TOOLS WITH LITTLE TO NO RIGHTS OF THEIR OWN!)

And that's very true. I suppose I could always hope for a better response to the prompt. ^^; (I was totally willing to give it the benefit of the doubt til the very end when Merlin swore of magic FOREVER. I like the idea, but only as a way of promoting much angst and - in some cases - some old fashioned h/c when it becomes apparent that magic is sort of Merlin's lifeblood.)


flammablehat July 30 2009, 16:28:42 UTC
Probably less from fandom - you'd think we'd all be used to that by now, yeah? Aww, lol boybits, I think it's cute!

Well, you know, that might only be more reason to choose one over the other. For instance, if you chose mpreg, what would be the significance of Gwen - a woman - who's unable to bear a child, and Merlin - a sorcerer, and a guy - who is? The juxtaposition is interesting.

Dude, you know I hadn't checked out the link to the fic because I posted here before you'd replied to congest, but then I did and ha! That was the kinkmeme prompt my first WIP sentence came from - I was working on that story! I haven't read the entry that was put down yet; I was just curious which prompt you were talking about, and lo and behold. Huh. Guess there will be a second entry if I ever finish that one. :p


fresica July 30 2009, 22:51:46 UTC
It will be so much fun to explore backlash for poor Gwen, especially since most of Arthur's advisors are already trying to oust her. And then the ripple effect that it will cause throughout the court. I am almost literally salivating just thinking about it! (But then again, there would be a totally different type of backlash if Merlin changes into a woman first.)

lol What're the odds...? I look forward to reading it when you're done, then! XD


awayfromlife July 30 2009, 15:58:01 UTC
I'm voting mpreg. I'm too fond of the boy bits, lol.

Oh, good idea&poor execution is such a pet peeve of mine. Especially when the summary is brilliant and then the fic just falls flat. (Which is kind of hypocritical since I think this about my own fics, too, but I'm hoping practice will take care of that.)


fresica July 30 2009, 22:43:49 UTC
Duly noted - thanks! :DD (I'm rather fond of the boy bits as well. :P)

Pshaw, your fics are great - you certainly don't have to worry about that problem, okay? But, yes, it's a very big let down.


itachitachi July 30 2009, 18:19:58 UTC
I don't mind either myself, but I think mpreg is generally squickier. Though... if the genderbending is for the purposes of getting pregnant, rather than genderbending, I would prefer mpreg. Just because... idk, putting the two together gives you a mess much larger than the sum of the parts. If you know what I mean? IDK.

There are a bunch of kmm prompts that I am in love with, but I always feel like I couldn't possibly do them! (I MIGHT try this one, under the assumption that Morgana would top Arthur any day. hahaha.) I'm afraid giving you more prompts might just frustrate you further, but I could try giving you a few if you wanted. Are you looking for something in particular? Cracky? Sexay? :D


fresica July 30 2009, 23:00:27 UTC
I suppose that it could, yeah, if you take everything into account. I am still pondering, because regardless of which one I choose, there will be a mess of some sort. There is no 'easy road' here.

I am looking for... not crack or fluff. I am never satisfied with how my crack!fic turns out, and I'm getting a wee bit tired of fluffiness. Doesn't mean it has to be dark or angst, though. Just something on the serious side.

And you should TOTALLY do that prompt. lol XD


itachitachi July 31 2009, 05:11:17 UTC
Here's three, feel free to shake sticks at them. XD; bing, bing, bing. :o


fresica July 31 2009, 07:31:20 UTC
Thanks bb! ♥ (Actually, that third one was my prompt to begin with! lol XD)


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