Title: The First Night-In Which Quinn Fabray Hides Her True Feelings For Rachel Berry-Not That She Wants To-It's Just More Fun (And Tiring)
freshtilapiaRating: NC-17 (for the whole series)
Length: 1,385
Spoilers: None
Summary: (see Title; or the sequel to
Summer Mornings, with the usual fluff and the promise of sex)
A/N: Thanks to (in alphabetical order
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Comments 93
Can't wait for more!
Thanks for reading (and coming out of lurkdom again)!
(If you think of anything you'd like to see in this sequel, please let me know.)
I'm really excited for the next night now... Quinn is such an awesome ninja. Like, seriously. Best ninja ever. Santana doesn't know what hit her!
I kind of want to see Quinn cook Rachel supper at some point, because in Summer Mornings, Rachel cooked Quinn so many breakfasts... I don't remember if you said Quinn could cook or not, but if she can't and she makes an effort, it'll be all the more sweet, especially if it actually works out.
Aww thank you! I'm happy you're excited... but I'm afraid Quinn will be disappointing you soon with her ninja skills. Santana will have to win at some point.
You know, that's actually nice and will fit the very last part of this series... but it has been done by itwasadream for "Beautiful When You Don't Try" and I usually try to steer clear of things that have been done before (unless I'm really referencing a fic), based on Glee, Quinn can definitely bake, and that actually has hilarious potential, so we'll see. Thanks so much for letting me know! And awesome icon btw :)
And thanks for liking the icon! I made it myself.
P.S. Can I interest you in looking into gleewriteoff? It could definitely benefit from having an awesome writer like you on board! And it looks like a it could end up being a ton of fun...
Good job on the icon, really.
P.S. Sorry I've never done well writing using someone else's idea, except for my first-ever fic, which came from a prompt. But most of all, I'm not that confident in my writing skills yet (deadlines & prodding don't work for me haha and I'm far from considering myself an awesome writer :p)
Really though, very glad you decided to write it. :)
Really though, very happy that you seemed excited for this so thank you. :)
I like it a lot though. It reminds me of a certain Operation..
Glad you like it. Yeah, a certain Operation...
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