Title: The Seventh Night-In Which Quinn Fabray Resists The Urge-To Get Into Rachel Berry's Pants-And The Irony Of Rachel Wearing Skirts (And Other Forms Of Torture) A/N: Haaave you read Parts 1 & 2?
Ahhhhh! What a super great awesome update! So much wonderfulness. For sure worth the wait. Perfect. But...still want a little Brittana reconciliation! No but seriously I loved it.
Yaaaay! Thank you so much. I'm so relieved it was worth your wait. Seriously. I'll try to have Brittana reconcile but I don't think you'll see a full reconciliation. Maybe just a step in the right direction? I'm so happy you loved it.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh..... I hope you won't take as much time in updating the next night. And by that I mean I'm hopeful you wouldn't have writer's block cause those months of waiting were torturous! And they've progressed to 2nd base! At Pinoy kah, super bonus yan! =D
Re: hi =)freshtilapiaSeptember 16 2011, 12:41:02 UTC
Hello! I hope for the same thing really. But I can't force myself to write if I really don't feel like it. It'll just turn out to be crap. I'm sorry the waiting was torturous, I really am, because it was torturous for me, too. But I'll do my best not to take too long for the next nights. And thank you so much. Hooray for second base at ang super bonus ng pagiging pinoy! Andami talaga nating Faberry fans ansaya :D
you madre my day! i've been waiting for this so long...and it was completely worth it. i feel like quinn...can't wait for the next part and knowing it will be worth it. beautiful story.
yay, i made your day! i'm so sorry it took so long...but i'm so relieved it's worth your wait. and i certainly hope the next nights will be, too. thank you so much. :D
K...so, I love that they've come out to the Glee Club (and that they have the Berry Men to help), and I'm glad everyone took it well. Judy's antics are hilarious...can't wait 'til that all unfolds and she finds out for real. I would say I don't care that Finn didn't react all that well, but I think you handled his reaction with just the right balance. He's not horrible, horrible, just occasionally douchy and mostly inconsequential. :)
And, you did the the simmering and simmering and the just boiling over to second base just brilliantly! Rachel is adorably sexy...Quinn is just hot (she definitely had a lot to express...that was brilliant!)
Oh, I have to say this publicly. I'm glad that you're using their strong personalities to bring them together instead of resorting to angst. I don't mind angst (as long as there's a happy ending), but it's nice to see a sweet, realistic story that doesn't have layers of heavy angst.
It was a long, torturous journey but definitely worth it!
Comments 58
But...still want a little Brittana reconciliation!
No but seriously I loved it.
I'll try to have Brittana reconcile but I don't think you'll see a full reconciliation. Maybe just a step in the right direction?
I'm so happy you loved it.
beautiful story.
thank you so much. :D
And, you did the the simmering and simmering and the just boiling over to second base just brilliantly! Rachel is adorably sexy...Quinn is just hot (she definitely had a lot to express...that was brilliant!)
Oh, I have to say this publicly. I'm glad that you're using their strong personalities to bring them together instead of resorting to angst. I don't mind angst (as long as there's a happy ending), but it's nice to see a sweet, realistic story that doesn't have layers of heavy angst.
It was a long, torturous journey but definitely worth it!
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