Upcoming Holiday?

Feb 16, 2015 07:47

Apparently, tomorrow is something called Pancake Day.

It's actually Mardi Gras, except without the parades, nudity and plastic beads, but with pancakes. Maybe I should make some pancakes and then decorate them with plastic beads? Or just go get a snack from the crepe truck just off the market square, probably.

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Comments 12

dot_o_choillmor February 16 2015, 11:41:11 UTC
I can't wait for my pancakes!

It's traditionally when you use up the milk, eggs and flour before Lent starts the next day... One of the biggest topics of conversation will be what toppings you'll use. So have answers!


frenchpony February 16 2015, 12:13:02 UTC
Nifty! Well, I have milk, eggs, and flour on hand, so maybe I'll make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. For toppings, I could go Jewish and use apples and honey, for an interfaith sort of breakfast.


dawtheminstrel February 16 2015, 12:11:23 UTC
Someone should have told me that before I started cooking oatmeal.

Sounds yummy.


frenchpony February 16 2015, 12:14:50 UTC
I did oatmeal this morning -- well, overnight oatmeal with yogurt. It was pretty tasty, although next time, I'm noodling with the proportion of oats to yogurt and see if I can get it a bit creamier.

But I might make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow anyway!


perelleth February 16 2015, 12:39:37 UTC
Have fun! It's pancake weekend from Thursday before Lent to Mardi Gras around here. I had mine with nutella&straweberries yesterday


frenchpony February 16 2015, 13:10:13 UTC
Pancake weekend! Hardcore.


fafojoy February 16 2015, 19:57:18 UTC
We have pancakes on Friday - my dogs live for it.

I left you a comment on an earlier post about a Laura Ingalls Wilder class. Let me know if you want the email forwarded to you. I might do a quick post about it in case others are interested, but I did think of you right away.


frenchpony February 16 2015, 23:59:54 UTC
No matter what the religion, I am automatically in favor of any holiday named after a foodstuff. That's Doing It Right in my book. (My book is often a cookbook.)

I did see your comment about the Laura Ingalls Wilder thing, and I meant to get to it, and then life got crazy. Thank you so much for thinking of me! Unfortunately, life is getting pretty full as the end of term approaches, and I don't think I'm going to be able to do it.


jay_of_lasgalen February 16 2015, 20:30:54 UTC
Oh, enjoy Pancake Day! Also called Shrove Tuesday as it's the day before Ash Wednesday in the Christian calendar.

I'm working late tomorrow, so we're having pancakes today :>)

ETA: I like the idea of apples and honey for the multifaith option!


frenchpony February 17 2015, 00:04:00 UTC
From the advertising I've seen, it looks like most people here are going to eat crepes rather than fluffy griddle cakes. I wonder if I should go the crepe route, too. On the one hand, I like crepes, but on the other hand, it's been a long time since I've actually made them, and when they go wrong, it's a sad thing.


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