Death in Breaking Bad

Jul 15, 2012 13:47

Remember my macabre posts from March-April?

I never got to answer the meme for Breaking Bad. I think it's time. Don't look if you haven't seen the show up to season 4's finale!

The most heroic death

That one might be the most difficult to answer. Nobody dies a heroic death on BrBa. The most likely to die heroically would be either Hank or Jesse. They both came close to it. That's not something I want to see but it might happen still.

Of course the writers could want to end the show on a most positive note and give Walter a heroic death eventually, instead of letting the cancer kill him for instance.

But this is a show that doesn't need heroic death.

The most iconic death

As icons go I'm torn between Gus' demise in "Face-Off"(because of the bell being the trigger and because of the pun in the episode's title), the death of the henchmen at the end of "Half-Measures" and Emilio's in season 1.

In Emilio's case, it isn't the death per se that is iconic but the corpse disposal of course.

The pun was funny but the visual of a walking half-faced Gus was a bit too over-the-top for my taste.

Okay I pick "Half-Measure" because it's a death that says a lot about what Walt is capable of. His "Run!' to Jesse is unforgettable.

The most poetic death

Tortuga's maybe. It's poetic in a dark comedy kind of way.

Or the death of the Winnebago at the end of "Sunset" in season 3! Old companion deserved that perfect exit.

image Click to view

The most tragic death

I'll say Tuco's brother-in-law, the fat guy whose death made Hank laugh his ass out.

Contrary to what Walt thought he wasn't murdered by Tuco, he just got stuck when trying to "do something decent" and bled to death, alone with a corpse, surrounded by shells. Tragedy and comedy, the two sides of the same coin...

The most saddest death

Jane's death was sad for many reasons. First off it was really sad to see Walter behaved that way. Also her death  was sad because of what it means to those who loved her, because of her father's grief, because of the Jesse's breakdown that followed.

And there's Gale, or rather the death of the "problem dog" as told by Jesse. Very sad.

The death the audience didn't really care about

The death by ATM machine. Who cared about that awful junky we knew nothing about?

The death that looks so real it makes you think of death in RL

I guess that Jane choking in her vomit was the most realistic death we have seen on the show so far.

And there's a death we didn't see but that sounded so real it hurts, when the character played by Jere Burns, who is a hell of an actor, told Jesse how he killed his own daughter.

The most expected death

Tuco's. It was either him or Walt &Jesse, and there was no way Walt or Jesse would die at the beginning of season 2.

Also, the cartel guys being poisoned by Gus in "Salud", quite predictable.

The death that wasn't that much of a surprise but that turned out to happen quickly and in a "clean way":

Combo's, I guess. Not really surprising given his line of work. But the same could be said about Andrea's brother.

The least expected death

The passengers who died from the airplanes collision. We knew from the beginning of season 3 that there were human remains in Walt's pool, that people had died, but there was no way to expect them to be who they were, nor to have been killed that way!

The most shocking death

I suppose that some people would pick Victor's in "Box cutter", but my choice is Krazy-8's death. It was shocking to see Walt kill for the first time, and it came after great comedy scenes and bonding moments.

The death that never happened

The death by ricin of course!

breaking bad

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