J- 2

Apr 20, 2007 14:36

I will post about Nihous, Royal and Sarkozy later, but I want to add something about our previous flyers.


Read more... )

french politics, french, politics, présidentielles

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Comments 15

jamalov29 April 20 2007, 13:44:43 UTC
"Vive la vie " a ses limites , je le crois. Et juste à propos de la peine de mort , je souhaiterais son rétablissement pour les crimes d'enfants.La perpétuité n'est à mon sens , pas suffisante pour de telles atrocités.
Je sais que cela irait à l'encontre d'une clause votée il y a quatre ou cinq ans lors de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l' Homme , et que aucun homme politique ne fera ce choix mais j'ai la conviction que la mort peut , dans certains cas trés particuliers , être une forme de justice.

Tout ceci étant une affaire d'opinion , pesant bien peu par rapport à la Constituion Française.


frenchani April 20 2007, 13:54:53 UTC
Comme tu t'en doûtes je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi. Je ne crois pas qu'il faille admettre la moindre exception, ça serait vider la loi de sa substance. J'adhère complètement à l'argumentation de Robespierre.

La justice ne doit pas trouver sa source dans l'émotionnel si elle veut rester la justice, et admettre la peine de mort pour les tueurs d'enfants (ou parce que tout est forcément subjectif pour d'autres crimes jugés supérieurs aux autres, car certains te diront qu'il y a pire que ça!) n'a rien de juste, c'est un simple exutoire et c'est une brèche d'où peuvent subvenir toutes les dérives.


sister_luck April 20 2007, 17:34:50 UTC

I can't find a translation and this is just too much French for me. I'd love to comment, but I can't!

I was wondering why Le Pen stressed La Vie - I read it more as 'way of life' or national identity, but of course the pro-life angle is definitely part of it. It's strange how many people are anti-abortion but adamantly for the death penalty. I don't get that.


frenchani April 20 2007, 17:47:37 UTC
Unfortunately it's beyond my skills...and I feel too lazy to translate it!

I wish you could find a translation because Robespierre makes some excellent points! His speeches are always so articulate. Sadly they didn't listen to him then and death penalty wasn't abrogated by the deputies.


sister_luck April 20 2007, 18:44:11 UTC

It's okay - I wasn't complaining, well I was, but not because you posted it in French, but because it doesn't seem available on the web in English or German. I'm lazy, too, - with the help of a dictionary and a French grammar I should be able to read it, but that's too much work right now.


stormwreath April 20 2007, 19:24:49 UTC
[continued]Listen to the voice of justice and reason; it cries out to you that human judgements are never certain enough for society to put to death a man condemned by other fallible men. Could you imagine the most perfect judicial order, could you find judges with the highest integrity and enlightenment, there would still remain some room for error or prejudice. Why do you forbid the means of rectifying them? Why do you make it futile to offer a helping hand to oppressed innocence? What matter these sterile regrets, these illusory reparations that you accord to a vain shadow, to insensible ash? They are the sad witnesses of the barbarous recklessness of your penal laws. To take from a man the possibility of redeeming his crime through his repentance or acts of virtue, to close off from him pitilessly any return to virtue or self-esteem, to hasten to cast him, so to speak, into the tomb still covered with the recent stain of his crime, is to my eyes the most horrible refinement of cruelty ( ... )


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