My tv schedule for this year

Sep 19, 2016 15:30

I just got more interested in The Good Wife spin-off, although I can't actually link to the deadline website for some reason, LJ keeps calling it spam? But I read an article on there today which makes The Good Wife spin-off sound promising enough that it will most definitely be on my watch-list in February

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pretty little liars, luke cage, izombie, the good wife, vampire diaries, empire, gilmore girls, from dusk till dawn

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Comments 25

petzipellepingo September 19 2016, 15:08:11 UTC
Deadline , for whatever reason, is on LJ's list of unapproved sites.


frelling_tralk September 19 2016, 15:47:12 UTC
It's very strange, it just kept coming up as spam whenever I tried to post the link, even though it clearly is a reputable site :shrug:


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frelling_tralk September 20 2016, 13:05:52 UTC
Hmm that seems shaky ground legally if people were linking back to Deadline, I always thought that it was allowed to quote from other sites so long as you credit the source?


_profiterole_ September 19 2016, 15:34:20 UTC
I'm still not really interested (mostly due to the low quality of the last two seasons), but I'll see what people have to say about it.

I intend to check out Timeless, as well as Luke Cage and Dirk Gently. Somehow, all the other new shows that might interest me are mid-season.


frelling_tralk September 19 2016, 15:54:54 UTC
I've been feeling a bit burnt-out definitely and not all that excited, but hearing that it will be Diane, Lucca, and Marissa as the three leads has now caught my interest, and the premise sounds promising with them all working at a new law firm. Also the fact that it's only ten episodes is hopefully a good sign for the quality staying high


bm_shipper September 19 2016, 15:54:32 UTC
I'll be watching so much but half of it probably will get cancelled anyway. But I do hope SHawn Ashmore's show lasts and I'm looking forward to the return of Chicago Med and also happy to get Daniel Sunjata back on my screen :)


frelling_tralk September 19 2016, 16:01:12 UTC
I really need to find more new shows to watch, but not that many premises are catching my interest at the moment tbh. But a lot of my shows are ageing now and will be ending soon, so I do need to find new stuff to watch as well

Well I do have Doctor Who next year at least, and again next year I want to check out American Gods and Cruel Intentions (which is supposedly possibly airing in summer 2017), but that show probably isn't going to last too long judging by how much interest NBC has shown so far :(


bearshorty September 19 2016, 15:59:55 UTC

The only new show that I will check out will be Luke Cage. (And Gilmore Girls, but I don't see it as a new show). Otherwise I'm watching Supernatural,  Supergirl, Grimm and Modern Family. And Flash Season 2 on Netflix. Then in June I will catch up on Agents of Shield Season 3. I might watch the pilot of "This is Us" only beause the characters are my age!


frelling_tralk September 19 2016, 16:04:37 UTC
Gilmore Girls is tricky to classify, it's not even a new season of a show really, it sounds like it's going to be more like four mini movies? I'm really looking forward to it anyway, I've been re-watching the series recently in preparation! :D


liliaeth September 19 2016, 18:20:25 UTC
Not sure on new shows, I will watch Luke Cage of course, Coulter was awesome on jessica Jones, but I'm also definitely sticking with Underground, Izombie, Lucifer, Supernatural, the Flash and Supergirl


frelling_tralk September 19 2016, 18:34:53 UTC
I'm really looking forward to Luke Cage, I read a review recently talking about how it's the best of the Marvel shows so far :)

And I've been thinking that I might give the second season of Lucifer a shot actually. I watched the pilot and liked the actor, I just didn't feel inclined to keep watching if it was going to be set up as more of a detective show, but I've been reading some positive comments about the season 1 finale recently that have me intrigued, so I might try giving it another shot


liliaeth September 19 2016, 18:42:16 UTC
well I liked Lucifer from the start, mostly for the sake of the chemistry between Tom Ellis and DB Woodside, but the further along the show got in the first season, the more serial elements emerged, especially in regards to Lucifer's character development, his relationship with the other characters, especially Chloe, Amenadiel, Maze, Doctor Linda and Trixie, and how all the characters interact with one another, even outside of Lucifer himself. That and you get a storyline about Chloe, that ends up intersecting with Lucifer in a really interesting way.

But for me the best part of the show by far is the brotherly relationship between Lucifer and Amenadiel. There's just something special about how those two brothers interact, and both love and hate one another in equal measures, but how it's clear that in the end, they do deeply care what happens to the other. And the set up for s2 is just plain out awesome.


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