Syria 2011-2013 (one of my least favorite but I'll post it as an act of courage)

Apr 06, 2013 23:48

February 7th, 2013

The Syrians fighting now, men in their early 20's or late teens, or the children born 5 or 6 years ago, their first memories being those of the war, things they vaguely understand, memories of soldiers' faces, rifles, destroyed buildings, bombs, gunshots, blood, noise, yelling, activity, friends dying, not knowing how or why, the fighting going on now, the night raids and all, these the early memories for the kids, and for the grown men fighting now, how “the war” will be something of reflection, progressing, as all things do, from the veterans being the young, a fresh memory, everyone having memories of the war, to the middle of the road times, a few documentaries on them as gulf-war vets are now, growing again from the “normal” old to the unthinkably old, and what will their thoughts be? Reflection on fighting for the right or wrong side, bitterness, elation, subtle contentness, horror, looking back on a country that then, maybe in the 2040's or 2060's or 2080's had changed so much from what it was during their intense, meaningful time, memories of the guns and cigarettes and voices and again the activity becoming distant, the video cameras gone, the noise gone, all memories from another war.

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