Another semi-large one. July 18-now.
¤New kids
intro post ¤OOC bidniss
Return of the Fi~-
Rachel let us know she's not dead.-
BECKY RETURNED! ¤modly poke~
If you haven't voted in
this poll, we need you to do that. Voting will close on Wednesday, 3 August 2011.
Leave your updatey bidniss after the beep. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!
Comments 2
- Got time? Gotta tell you somethin'. [SWS] - Told Jack she's pregnant
-[in bed, actually feeling rather snuggly] SWS and SSWS - Bedtime snuggles and playfulness and sex with Nathan [NSFW, obviously]
- Mini-fight with Nathan, then d'awwage in the middle of the troll market. [SWS]-
- There's some things we gotta do. [SWS] - Talked about preparations that need to be made before the baby arrives
- Chillaxed with Jack and had an interesting conversation. [SSWS]
- helped Thom go undercover [SWS]
- Bitched to Trevor [SWS]
- Super flashforward to Nathan's death [Fic]
- Met Ted. [SWS]
- Flailed at Embre [SWS]
- Welcomed Priscilla [SWS]
- Got super worried about Red's arm [SWS]
- Babysat by Red [SWS]
- Confronted 2D, then got punched >:| [SWS]
- Argued with Liz [SWS]
- Was a dork with Jilly [SWS]
- [working out in his cell, whistling] [SWS]
Nothing for Marco or Arawn.
Basically Miracle Day related things for Esther, Jilly, Liz, Trevor and Red. A few flashbacks for the other kids. Nothing to far off canon for the MD stuff and fill in the gaps for the flashbacks.
I have all my current and previous threads since my last update logged in gmail, so as always any clarification needed as to what's up please e-mail me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can get to my phone or lappy.
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