Ok, so with Miracle Day now over, I know some of the scenes are going to be played out now, with their Bump!verse twist, and there were a few which I saw that just screamed "2D is on that like John on anything living". However, he wouldn't do this alone, so I'm posting here for people for 2D to look for when it comes time for him to recruit for his missions.
The first scene is when Jack is kidnapped by Gwen and has no clue where he's being taken or what they're facing. Since they'd know her family was taken, 2D would probably set up two teams more than just Andy and the police, and Esther and Rex. There would be two teams, "Strike Team" who will go to rescue Jack and Gwen, and "Stealth Team" who will go to rescue Gwen's family.
"Strike Team" would be the BPRD's heavy hitters, be it with strength, or with weapons, this team would be built to take down any force of any size since they don't know what they're going up against, and will probably include Tony in his Iron Man armor, as well as Rex and Esther(2D will probably have her run as his eyes and ears for that team).
"Stealth Team" will be of people who can get in and out of places covertly, and anyone who could help to minimize damage due to all the innocents being held, possibly at gun point(since he wouldn't know). This team will include 2D who will be running point.
Strike Team
Stealth Team
good2beback notthat2d its_allmyfault 1000yearstime shouldibedead keep_them_safe righthanddoom allmenarebeasts The second scene is when Ester learns her sister volunteers herself and her kids to be Category 1's. 2D having promised to help Esther with this, would find a way to stop it from happening, which would for lack of better words, require a Leverage-style con job. He would make a five-person team following the set-up of the Leverage crew, and probably also ask for a few people to assist him as well aside from the five. 2D would go for the mastermind role, but would move to another role if someone else was able to do a better job. He would prefer people for the team(nothing against Hellboy, but he can't really walk into a building without drawing attention and suspicion), although 2D may make a second team which can consist of anyone.
Team 1-Main
notthat2d Hacker
1000yearstime Hitter
allmenarebeast Theif
Team 2-"Back up"(if needed)
righthanddoom Theif
There will be another post for something else I have in mind, which I will keep off here since it involves how Miracle Day ended and how it's being ... "Bumped".