Feb 18, 2013 01:08

First off, allow me to specify that this comm is not bailing on LJ, however, to ignore the movement of people away from LJ would be foolish.

So I had an idea I wanted to share. What if for each of the various places we could post(DW, LJ, AIM, Twitter, etc.) they were treated like separate offices in separate cities? While the only known site will be the New Jersey location, I'm sure something could be worked out for where the cities are, but in general, the LJ comm would be a different office from the DW comm's office, and etc. People could travel back and forth between offices if they wanted(maybe a transport device can be made to allow for it to be done), and unless something big enough happened that it'd be heard between the offices, people wouldn't be required to know about all the stuff going on in any of the other offices.

In summation, this would allow people to play where they feel comfortable, not worry about missing anything that may happen in the other comms, while also allowing for grown and expansion.

So, aside from a poll I'll be posting, I'd like to see what others think, so feel free to post below.


(questions), verse:bumpinthenight, (poll), verse:open, (ooc)

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