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Comments 27

netgirl_y2k September 7 2010, 17:27:58 UTC
Oh. Oh my. I-- Your writing is just unspeakably gorgeous.

I adore the way you've written everybody. Gwen carrying on and seeing Albion into the hands of its new king is perfect and so so very Gwen. The downfall of Morgana is heart wrenching, the final showdown between her and Merlin when they've both already lost so much is... oh, my heart.

There's so many things about this that I love, and if I were to list all of them we'de be here all day. But here are a few:

-Morgana playing thumb wars with Mordred, d'aaaw.
-Queen Guinevere going to work in the fields!
-King Arthur! Just everything about the sort of king and husband he is.
-Mordred attacking Gwen to manipulate Arthur & Morgana into war.
-Merlin learning to teleport and refusing to walk places afterwards, hee!
-The Morgana & Morguase seduction conversation.
-King Bedivere! And Gwen's quiet dignity in the epilogue.

Amazing work, truly.


kepp0xy September 24 2010, 10:26:15 UTC
I'm honestly just sort of sitting here stunned, because someone recced "Like a Fish Needs a Bicycle" a few weeks ago, from there I clicked your "Merlin" tag and I never looked back, working my way through your works as slowly as possible to lengthen the experience. ... Which is all long preamble to say, I think you're brilliant, and am utterly flattered and humbled by your comment, thank you so much.

Morgana is so tragic in really accidental ways: you can see exactly each misstep (on her part, and on the part of others), and where it's taken her. She equally breaks my heart and makes me want to shake sense into her. And Gwen... I love her so much. She's got this indomitable spirit, and I just really hope they show more of that on the show.

Anyway, thanks so much again! I'm really am so glad you enjoyed :]


timeblind September 8 2010, 01:46:55 UTC
Gosh, I looooooove your Gwen. And the way you write Arthur/Gwen... HNNNNNNNNNNNG. I didn't realize how much I ♥ them. *_* His death broke my heart too, as you can see from my big sadface. BIG. SADFACE. D;

I love your writing and you know it! The way you write, the words you use, they always bring to life whatever you're writing about. Reading your fics is like watching an episode or a movie in my head. *smooshes*


kepp0xy September 24 2010, 10:30:45 UTC
<333333 I know you didn't realise! EVEN AFTER I TRIED TO DRILL IT INTO YOUR BRAIN. Clearly, you are impervious to brainwashing. Either that, or it just takes a little longer ;)

Buuuut, really, thank you so much for your kind words, darling. You know I appreciate all of them, you're so supportive! And I am very, very pleased to have you dancing in this side of Merlin - the added flail in my life \O/!

And, in many ways, all our SGA writings led to these Merlin writings, so you and tater_mae are ultimately to blame huge influences in anything you read and like. ... Particularly any pervy bits. >;P! ♥ *SNUGGLES*


hmsharmony September 8 2010, 06:25:11 UTC
Oh, dear God. This was so tragic and gorgeous and absolutely moving. I really am rendered speechless by the beauty of this fic.

Epic in every meaning of the word. The plot, the characterizations, the way you sped through time and yet it felt completely natural... And then ending with Merlin and Gwen -- it just seems right.

Amazing, amazing job.


kepp0xy September 24 2010, 10:32:17 UTC
Ahhh, this is one of the most generous comments I've received, thank you so, so much for it. I'm so glad you enjoyed and that all those aspects felt natural to you; I'm always so paranoid about characterization in particular, so it's wonderful to hear they rang true.

Thanks so much again ♥!


vipersweb September 10 2010, 15:59:37 UTC
Very lovely. I like the relationships you show in this. You write Gwen and Morgana lovely and it is easy to see their pain. Similarly, with Lancelot and his heartache. I also like how you show the decisions and actions of their youth affect them in the future. Very nicely written.


kepp0xy September 24 2010, 10:33:56 UTC
Thank you so much for this kind comment! I'm delighted that you liked Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot; I really enjoyed tackling each of their stories. Thanks again :]!


genstarwen92 September 13 2010, 21:33:52 UTC
OH.MY.HEART. This was so poignant and it moved me to tears. But stunningly beautiful all wrapped into one, you have a trully wonderful way with words<3


kepp0xy September 24 2010, 10:35:05 UTC
Ah, thank you so much, dear! Your words are so kind. I'm equally sorry and touched that this moved you so. Thanks again :]!


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