Title: Take Your Victories as They Come (or, 22 Conversations)
kepp0xyCharacters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin, Gaius, Uther, Random Camelot Noblewoman # 3190, mentions of Morgana
Genre/Rating: G. Angst, romance, comedy, drama
Spoilers/Warnings: Allusions to events from 2x10, 2x12 and 2x13
Words: ~3100
Summary: 22 snatches of conversation
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Comments 116
"In this, Guinevere, you must listen to your heart. If the time is right, you'll know it."
Listen to your heart when he's calling for you...Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do...
Her protests are silenced by a very long, very thorough, very deliberate kiss.
Ohhh my heart! I can't take this anymore. OMG! one kiss after another. omg! Go Arthur! Just kiss your Gwen FOREVER if you have to! Gaaaaaaaaaaaahh am going nuts here!!!
"You do not know what it takes to rule!"
"I know exactly what it takes to serve, and I know exactly what it is to be ruled."
He stares hard at her. Her fingers twitch as they hang at her sides.
YES!!! you tell him Gwen! Wow! Loved Gwen's lines! So powerful!
Err... Which is longform of saying: I'm glad you liked this bit!
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