spn_j2_bigbang 2010 || One Hundred Percent Reason to Remember [masterlist]

Aug 19, 2010 13:21

Title: One Hundred Percent Reason to Remember
Authors: free_pirate and trinipedia
Artist: thruterryseyes
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean, mentions/implications of other minor het pairings, but nothing that features.
Warnings: Slash, Incest, AU
Word Count: ~49,000
Disclaimer: We don't own anything, promise. Credits in notes at the end of epilogue.
Summary: What's the difference between love and lust? Castiel and Uriel have their own opinions about what's between the Winchester brothers, and each is determined to prove the other wrong. The true test comes in the form of multiple alternate scenarios which make one thing absolutely certain: Sam and Dean will always find each other, despite the circumstances in which they're placed. But is it love or lust?


"You're completely missing the point, Castiel!" Uriel exclaims, waving his hands in the air, frustration plain on his face. "These-these-humans are fragile and weak, especially the Winchesters. They shouldn't be allowed to live, let alone represent us and guide us!"

Castiel just stares at him. "We have to follow our orders, Uriel, even if we don't understand them or agree with them. The plan comes from Heaven, and that makes it just. We simply need to have faith."

Uriel gapes at him. "How can you still say that, after what we've seen, after what has happened?!"

Castiel sighs. "Dean Winchester is an important pawn in this war, and you know it. We can't waste him just because you don't agree with his actions."

Uriel sneers. "Agree? Agree?! Castiel, that disgusting mud-monkey is lusting after his own brother! How wrong is that?! We can't rely the world's fate and ours on the shoulders of such an impure creature!” He huffs and turns his back to Castiel.

"We're just wasting precious time that we don't have. A holy warrior can't commit incest, that's unheard of!"

"They haven't done anything like that," Castiel points out, and Uriel just rolls his eyes.

"Maybe not yet, but they will, sooner or later. And I won't let this-"

"Enough." Castiel's voice is low, dark and commanding, and Uriel feels a shiver running down his spine, as he turns towards him again."Lust might not be condoned, but the same cannot be said about love," Castiel adds, and Uriel blinks. Before he can say anything, though, Castiel goes on. "What’s between the Winchesters is-complicated. Layered, if you will. They only have each other to rely on, to believe in, and that's why they're stronger together. The feeling, the bond they created after all these years of sharing every minute of their lives is something rare and pure, to be protected."

Uriel scratches the back of his neck, his jaw dropping in disbelief. "You can't be serious." Castiel arches an eyebrow. "I am."

The angels stare at each other, without blinking, until Uriel breaks the moment by stepping closer. "Fine. Let's make a deal: give me the chance of showing you what's really inside these creatures' souls. I will test the bond between the Winchesters, and if it holds and turns out to be what you expect it to be, I will step back and help you. But if it doesn't..." Uriel's smile turns into a sickening grin. "If it doesn't, and I'm right, you'll let me smite them."

Castiel looks at him, his head held high in defiance. "Fine."


i. 17% Skill || ii. 5% Pleasure || iii. 10% Luck || iv. 10% Strength || v. 13% Fear || vi. 20% Pain || vii. 15% Concentrated Power of Will || Epilogue
|| Art Post || PDF ||

fic, spnfic, bigbang10, trineh is evol, wincest

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