Drabbles for Mothers' Day US

May 11, 2008 22:23

Title: Mothers’ Day drabbles
Author: fredsmith518
Beta: none, errors all mine as ever
Rating: tame
Disclaimer: Nothing owned, no monetary profit made.
Summary: 5 Drabbles around the theme of Mothers’ Day, borrowing lines from an episode each year. Ryan, Kirsten, yeah predictable, but there you go

Be advised, this is Kirsten as I see her in canon.
I find the progression of these phrases, taken from the episodes, interesting.

We've got to find his mother. The Gamble

9 months in, and Ryan still isn’t sure enough of his position in the household to know how to approach the coming celebration. He starts to think about it, when the first ‘Show your mother you care’ signs start to decorate the stores, so much, so that forgetting the day becomes impossible. He also spares a thought, or rather several, for his own mother, but he has no address, so he couldn’t send a card if he wanted to, which he doesn’t.

What he needs to do exactly is hard to get a handle on, the celebration being more intimate, more loaded than Chrismukkah. He does know by now that Kirsten takes holidays seriously and likes the gifts and attention - so he has to do something.

Much thought, results in a compromise he can live with. He leaves a small, unostentatious bunch of freesias, chosen because they were small and smelled nice, on the counter top before breakfast. In normal families, rituals, built up over time, surround these days, he thinks, so he goes out for a run so that the Cohens can celebrate together.

Kirsten’s like my mom The Family Ties

It’s easier this year. It his utter amazement, the Cohens wanted him back after the summer. Kirsten hugged him the same way that she’d hugged Seth. She made him feel welcome.

Ryan buys her a houseplant, a begonia with pink, cascades of flowers - it’s a little bit showy, but Ryan likes the variegation of the leaves, something to look good when the flowers die - and a thank you card. He puts them on the countertop and then proceeds to make the breakfast.

Well, whatever happens you have at least one proud mother watching you when you graduate The Dawn Patrol

Ryan can’t help but be pleased when he hears those words from her lips - because, once more, he been left unsure of his place in the house.

So, this year over Mother’s Day, he’d vacillated. The previous summer had been hard. Kirsten’s words to him during the intervention had been harsh and he’d been hurt. Never mind that she’d been drunk. He’d come to the conclusion long years before that truth slips out when inhibitions are lowered.

Although, his brother’s betrayals become the focus of his pain, being bigger in the scheme of things and more painful because Trey was his brother, her words had niggled at him, even after her return. The implication that he couldn’t criticize her because she’d allowed him to come into the house, the house not the family. She’d never apologized or said that she hadn’t meant them.

After much thought, he’d gotten her a peach colored rose for the garden.

“It’s beautiful, Ryan, thank you,” she said, her eyes and mouth both smiling. She’d bent her head to drink in the scent.

He’s glad now, that he made that choice.

Now I have two children to worry about The Gringos

He’d thought that summer 2005 had been bad, but 2006 had been beyond compare on the crap-scale and Ryan hoped to God that he would never ever feel that lost again. He still had to stop himself sometimes, from getting caught in the pain and fog and self-doubt.

He’s grateful now, that Seth had gone with him to Mexico, that he hadn’t been able to put his hands on Volchuk at that point.

Little, by painful little, he’s gotten better and learned to function again and the Cohens, who hadn’t wanted him to leave, had wanted him back and hadn’t let him go again.

Mothers’ Day is going to be different this year. It isn’t just Ryan with a boatload of issues, Summer and Taylor both have their share and the day is going to stir up stuff for Julie and Kaitlin - that much is inevitable.

The kids have a plan - okay, Summer has a plan, but they’ve all bought in - joint presents for both moms from all of them.

Another day to pass without her.

Berkeley, Mothers’ Day 2008

“Seth, you’re not helping! I can’t do this, if I have to talk to you at the same time. Yes, I will let Kirsten know you contributed!”

Ryan’s attempt to hold the cell phone beneath his chin, the same time as holding Sophie’s palms smeared with paint towards the paper, and nowhere near her clothes or his or anything for that matter is proving a challenge that Ryan isn’t sure that he can surmount.

“Gotta go,” he says firmly, letting the cell slip to the countertop. “C,mon, Sophie Rose, nearly done, Mom’s gonna love this, just a little itty bit of co-operation…”

There, done, two tiny handprints, recognizable as such, amongst a raft of not so recognizable ‘trail runs’ adorn the paper.

When Sophie goes down for her nap, he executes the second part of his plan. He hopes this will come off. The last time that he gave a hand made Mothers’ Day card, it landed up in the trash before the day had been out. Ryan knows this card will have a better fate, but he hopes that it will turn out well too. The conceit is simple, handprints artfully placed to form the illusion of a plant, his and Seth’s, scanned and emailed, forming the stem and leaves and Sophie’s the flower at the apex. Ryan is convinced the idea lodged after walking past Seth’s handprints outside so many times.

Ryan has bought Kirsten lilies that will go in the yard after this year’s flowering - according to the tag - and the are promised to bloom every year. The card looks kinda like the lilies - if you squint.

Kirsten loves it.

It’s still on the wall years later and the lilies are still flowering each spring.

post season 4 finale fic, drabbles

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