I haven't updated in so long...

Aug 25, 2010 17:51

Anyway, since I last posted, really not that much in my life has happened, other than my family moving back to Illinois from California. :| I really wish we didn't move, but at least I'm somewhere that I already know people so I have some friends ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

xdazedconfusedx August 25 2010, 23:18:17 UTC
I love The OC, Everwood, Gilmore Girls, 10 Things and Roswell!


freckles929 August 26 2010, 01:16:00 UTC
I watched 10 Things after it got canceled, and I went through all of the episodes in like one day. I really loved it, kind of more than I even liked the movie. The only place I think the show really failed was when it came to Cameron, who was seriously annoying at times. I'm glad they never really went for Bianca/Cameron, because Bianca and Joey made the most adorable little blonde couple ever.

And I really enjoyed Roswell. It did a good job with the sci-fi/alien stuff for the most part IMO, and it was a fun WB show. I loathed Max most of the time (especially in season 2 when he was being super egotistical and controlling of Isabel) and so didn't really care for Max/Liz, and Emilie de Ravin's American accent made me laugh at times, but I still liked it.


dreamclose August 25 2010, 23:46:24 UTC
MOLLY!! Hi, how are you?!

The X-Files, NCIS and Criminal Minds are all absolutely fantastic. As well as Everwood & Gilmore Girls. The West Wing has been on my to watch list forever.

And I started to follow you on Tumblr. :)


freckles929 August 26 2010, 01:01:30 UTC
I'm good! Kinda bored and already sick of the Midwest humidity, but good.

I love all of those shows so much. I'm such a sucker for criminal procedurals, and with CSI and CSI: NY getting old, NCIS and Criminal Minds are definitely my favorites on CBS. Especially NCIS. I love the military focus, and Ziva is one of my all-time favorite female characters.

And yes, watch The West Wing!!! It is just...I can never find words to express how much I love it. It's amazing that one show can be so epicly amazing. I mean, it won best drama at the Emmy's four years in a row. The acting, the writing...everything about it is so well done.

Thanks bb!


dreamclose August 26 2010, 02:01:39 UTC
Aw good, I'm glad! :)

Yeah, they're definitely the bests on CBS, I agree. I'm worried about both though, CM since they got rid of JJ/AJ and NCIS, just because it always worries me. Yes, Ziva is a bamf (and Cote is absolutely adorable & gorgeous). I love the whole cast, they definitely make the show unique. :)

I will definitely get around to it! I have watched most of Studio 60, which is also by Sorkin, and it's amazing.


freckles929 August 26 2010, 05:55:38 UTC
Yeah, the CM shenanigans are so ridiculous. I can't believe there's really only going to be one female character on the show after this season. And I love her, but Garcia isn't even an agent. Not to mention the fact that JJ is doing a job that no one else on the show does. Like, I can somewhat understand getting rid of one of the agents, but JJ takes care of all the communication aspects of their job, and it's not like someone can just fill in and do her job automatically. But I'm trying to remain optimistic.

Ziva is so amazing. I seriously cannot comprehend how people can hate her. I get people hating on Tony/Ziva, because there are always people who hate certain ships, but the character alone...Even if people are still upset about her replacing Kate, I don't understand it.


movementsecho August 26 2010, 05:16:23 UTC
lauren and i are in the process of watching everwood right now! she had never seen any of it. i've seen most of it. i love it.

and i think you know how i feel about the oc...... :D


freckles929 August 26 2010, 05:45:28 UTC
Everwood is so good. You're on season 3, right? That one's my favorite, despite the fucking annoying storyline with Anne Heche.

And LOL, yes. I'm so glad I decided to watch The O.C., because I love it so much.


zoaster_toaster August 26 2010, 05:18:47 UTC
That's a lot of shows! :O At least they were all good.


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