50 Books Challenge: Books 1 - 6

Mar 02, 2013 03:12

First batch read so far. Not a bad start.

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author: various, challenge: 50_books

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Comments 6

ta_wanda March 2 2013, 13:55:26 UTC
Thank you so much for posting this. I read a lot, but don't branch out from the comfortable anymore. So many books are not worth the time, so it's invaluable to have a real persons insightful review before choosing a book. I'm going to find Gone Girl, certainly, and maybe Twelve Tribes if I think I can handle it. *g*


freakykat March 2 2013, 16:16:50 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad it helped! Not gonna lie about The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, it can be a tough read because of the emotional punch you get from a lot of the narrative but it so beatutifully written that I encourage you to read it if you can.

Gone Girl, however, is a must read. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and your mind whirring and you laughing for some of it because those characters -- man.

Hope you get a chance to read either OR BOTH! <3


gaeln March 2 2013, 22:00:02 UTC
I've snagged a couple of your recommendations for the next time it's my turn to recommend a book for my bookclub. And with more to come I'm sure!!

So, thank you.


freakykat March 2 2013, 22:42:42 UTC
You are most welcome!

I hope one of them gets picked and you all enjoy it!


anno53 March 3 2013, 11:35:12 UTC
Thanks for your recommendations. I like to read, but I don't have a lot of chances to do it. It helps a lot to have recommendations. Then I don't start a book that may be a clunker and waste my reading time.

Thanks again!


sweetiejelly March 13 2013, 16:59:54 UTC
I just realized your music on this. :D

And just starting to read Gone Girl now. Love the writing lots. Thanks for the push to start reading it. :)



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