Annnnnnd..... once more with feeling! 50 Books Challenge 2012 - 2013

Sep 23, 2012 01:42

This is the official post to begin this year's 50 book challenge! I WILL MAKE IT TO 50 THIS YEAR I SWEAR.

Also I want to invite anyone else that wants to do this to join 50bookchallenge and have fun with me this year! I've been thinking of possibly starting an exchange list with people who are interested. Basically every month (or couple of weeks) we would ( Read more... )

year: 2012-2013, challenge: 50_books

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Comments 3

misura September 23 2012, 09:28:12 UTC
Good luck, and go you!

Have you already picked a first book? Or even, maybe, put together a list of all fifty? I mean, on one hand, I guess it'd be tricky to plan ahead (I know I'm easily distracted by new and shiny things) but on the other hand, I know how long it takes me to pick out one book to read from my shelves.


pen_traveler September 23 2012, 10:22:43 UTC
Best of luck to ya!!

Keep me updated on the exchange. I love shoving things I love on other people. ;)


slashluv18 September 23 2012, 14:23:31 UTC
I'm going to try this challenge, so keep up updated on the exchange.


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