Master Fic Post: spinning sideways into place (ATWT, Luke/Noah, AU, holiday fic for Holly)

Dec 23, 2010 10:18

Title: spinning sideways into place
Author(s): freakykat
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Luke Snyder/Noah Mayer, many others
Word Count: 15,240
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, unfortunately. No money made. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.
Summary: This isn't the life he was meant to have.
Author’s Notes: Written for dazzling_icer for thehayloft's holiday gift exchange. She asked for - and I quote - : I'd like an AU fic where the boys meet for the first time in a really interesting/uncommon way.... So, it's not a Disney cruise but I hope this is good enough. Happy holidays, my GoLightly! Holly's prompt reminded me of the premise from on of my favorite Lifetime holiday movies, Comfort and Joy, so I ran with that. Quick thanks to noelleleithe for her ever present patience as my beta, wouldbedorothy for the kickass title and frances_veritas for the cheerleading!

|Part One|
|Part Two|
|Part Three|

fandom: atwt, challenge: hayloft holiday, pairing: luke/noah, fanfic: hayloftxchange

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