Title: The Down Side of Up
freakingdorkRating: FRT
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Word Count: 1062
Summary: Sometimes, things are more complex than they seem on the surface.
Notes: written for the
angst_bingo square "wealth/poverty." Also, I definitely spent more time researching this fic than writing it - I have a document with all the math and reasoning I chose certain dollar
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Comments 6
I still can't decide whose backstory is more unbelievable at this point: tardis!Hotch or money-issues!Reid.
(because I'm really iffy as to whether canon!Reid's dad would have actually footed the bill)
I kinda thought that maybe William helped pay for Diana's care. And that Spencer never knew he did it. Even though he was the jerk who abandoned them, you could still tell that he cared about Diana and Spencer.
I can only assume William helped out because it's basically impossible otherwise (it still seems barely feasible the way I wrote it tbh).
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