Year In Review Meme

Dec 26, 2012 20:55

grabbed from kuriadalmatia, who got it elsewhere

Total number of completed stories: 22 completed fics (500+ words) and ~39 drabbles (499 or less words).

Total word count: ~35,667 words (does not include some drabbles bc I got lazy), ~32,873 for CM (same). I have about ~10k in WIP sitting there, staring at me that I wrote this year too.

Fandom breakdown: 24 Criminal Minds and 2 BBC!Sherlock. Most of the drabbles are CM; others include BBC!Sherlock, Avengers, and White Collar.

Overall Thoughts: (on this first section??) Even though my output is way up from last year (or at least it feels like it is), I'm still really frustrated with myself? Due to the fact that I wrote more oneshots, I got way too many "write more!!" comments and it severely decreased my productivity. I kept getting them with about the same frequency after adding an A/N to all of them, which is more than a little disheartening. I wish I could get a better control of my anxiety so this wouldn't be a problem.


What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?

Neither Garcia/Kevin/Morgan nor Morgan/Ethan really occurred to me before and yet they managed to show up anyway. Writing outside of the CM fandom was also unexpected.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?

Well, Maximum Loss could have ended up being a flop (in my mind anyway), esp since I was leaning towards writing it as a parody instead of the angst-fest that it became.

Also, I recently worried a fuckton over how readers would react to Imperception, but I really only got one review that bothered me - still, I had to have a friend translate their comment because the reviewer is ESL and wrote the comment in their first language, so I feel like some of the story might have gotten lost in translation for that reader? IDK, it makes me feel better to think that's why, so I'm sticking to that idea.

OH, and Angst Bingo because deadlines and rules, lol.

Do you have any fanfic or podfic goals for the New Year?

I want to finish A Glitch In My Soul (ex-gay fic) before the end of January. That's pretty much it. I don't really do long term goals well and deadlines can give me panic attacks haha. (writing gives me so much anxiety, idk how I manage tbh)


From my past year of writing, what was...

My best story of this year: I'm pleased with most of my writing, but if I have to pick, I'd go with Maximum Loss.

My most popular story of this year: by hits and kudos on AO3 (pretty sure follows/faves on ffn are high too), it's Passion In My Pants. Apparently there's not enough size kink in the fandom. :-P And it's gotten more hits than my popular Sherlock fic AND my 14 chaptered work, which surprised me.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I always feel like Coming Undone isn't really noticed as much as I'd like it to be. And, not that I was surprised, my Seaver-centric fics didn't get much attention.

Most fun story to write: Never An Expectation because I was in love with the prompt and it was so easy. Misunderstood was great too, if only because I screamed when I realized BSG fit within my timeline (and bc I "had" to rewatch the first half of the miniseries hahaha).

Story with the single sexiest moment: Passion In My Pants, clearly. Or Purple (tho that might be biased by the fact that it contained a bunch of my kinks lol).

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I think we can all agree on Blood That's In My Bed, yeah? I feel like that's the pretty obvious choice.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: None of them? For 2012, my ideas on the characters have been far more consistent and solid. Early chapters of Why Won't You? make me cringe because a lot of my perceptions changed between me starting it in April 2011 and at least Dec 2011 (probably earlier tho). Pretty sure this, and the fact that it requires me to rewatch parts of season 6, is why it's still a wip.

(I can't tell if this question is like...judging me for not having "new insights" or whatever, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to feel relatively solid in my characterization? Feel free to tell me otherwise lol.)

Hardest story to write: Coming Undone. All my fics are my babies and I know I'm not supposed to play favorites's hard not to with this one. And because of that, I want so badly for it to be perfect, which leads to me spending most of my time "writing" just staring at my computer screen and weeping softly.

And considering that I've been working on Glitch since...July?...and haven't released any if it? Uhhhh yeah (I mean, it's going better, but for like 3-4 months, I only had one ch/2500k.)

Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Really uncomfortable answering this question truthfully - like considered not answering at all, mostly because of the nature of the story - but it's definitely Things Time Cannot Erase, hands down. I'm sure readers probably didn't notice tho. At one point, Jasper suggested I do fic commentary on it, but I found I couldn't for this very reason.

In conclusion: As a general rule, I just like talking about my fic. Clearly.

not fic: meme

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