thetenspot 069. - Fear

Jan 16, 2008 15:21

TEN things that scare you

01. Having another kid before I'm ready.
02. Never speaking to Vanessa gain.
03. Thinking about college.
04. Choosing a college.
05. Leaving Minnesota, even if I say otherwise.
06. YOUR FACE! - Just kidding.
07. Not keeping in touch with the kid I already had.
08. Losing Paulie.
09. Losing Leah.
10. Being a Mom.

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vanessa, baby, paulie bleeker, thetenspot

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Comments 2

doug_ramsey January 17 2008, 21:48:27 UTC
OK. I have to admit I'd be pretty scared about getting pregnant if I were a girl.


Even if you can decide to have an abortion, that's still a HUGE decision, at least it would be for me. And if you don't, then WHOA.


I'm not helping, am I?


freaking_gob January 18 2008, 18:31:35 UTC
It's a terrifying thought. At least, until after you've gone and done it. I don't know if it ever gets any easier.


You're alright.


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