[Handwritten on Wednesday, February 21, 2007]

Feb 21, 2007 21:56

[Time: 9 PM: Place: Clark's loft]

It's done. We went to the lawyer today and I signed the papers. This doesn't annul the marriage, but this declares it officially illegal. Chloe was right about Lex. I followed him last night and he went to that Summerholt place. At first, I was going to stick around and try to spy on what he was up to, but when I saw Lex and the doctor shake hands like they knew each other, I didn't stick around. I didn't want to hear what they talked about. It was obvious Lex knew the man. Lex must know what's going on inside. He must know about the experiments. He owns the place and he was there.

I sat in the lawyer's office and stared out the window as they talked about my life like it was somebody else's world. I came to the realization that I have no real life. My memories are gone, possibly forever. No matter how hard I try to remember anything about Lex or my parents or my friends, nothing has come back to me. I feel like there's this hole inside of me, and I'm waiting for something to fill it, but nothing is filling it.

When we came home after, I went straight to my loft. I didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone. I stared at this picture of us. Lex is smiling and leaning against my shoulder. It looks like he's whispering something in my ear. I wish I could remember what it was.

Why do I feel like I just betrayed the best thing I ever had?

[Comments open for feedback or if you want to tell Clark he's a big dumb alien]
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