I've never relized how much of a nerd I am... I've always known I was a nerd, but not THIS much of a nerd. I mean...EVERYTHING today reminded me of FMA
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No school tomorrow !! So I really need to do the homework I haven't really finished yet I'll do that tomorrow with Juliana hm... After I do that we should go sledding
Biology makes me happy now :-) I get to sit by someone, but I'm not telling you who. Nya ^^
Orch Dorks have a concert tonight. Fun stuff man. :-) But Band Geeks are so much better And Symph Nymphs are the best Besides Choir... Tires... Or Chorus... Morus...
^^ I made Sousa honor band ^^ And I made 5th chair, which is good considering that last year I made 12th. ^^; I'm thinking of getting a new Livejournal... This name is oolldd
Dude, the Boondocks... wow... Today was fun stuff... Man... I'm switching over here... xanga is making me mad... Ghost in Shell is on right now... bye...