(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 08:16

After Fran left the cells, she went to her room. It took several days for her to feel even remotely well again. The meningitis might not be superflu, but it took a lot out of her.
She hurt, but gradually, over the next couple of days, the physical symptoms eased.
Exhaustion led her to sleep almost fourteen hours, with a little gentle encouragement from a magic-using acquaintance of hers.
Sleep, light meals(meaning mostly fluids, soup, ginger ale) and a warm armful of puppy.
She had nightmares, but they faded quickly from memory upon waking. That frustrated her, in a way; she kept feeling as though they were trying to tell her something. Something she'd missed?

The situation at home would be unchanged when she returned; or, at least, there.
Here might be another matter. She determined to learn everything she could, and prepare to deal with whatever faced her on "her" Earth when she did go home.


Someone had pointed out that she didn't have to return there permanently.
There were other worlds, through the door, places where she could make a life for
She was torn, but a part of her whispered, "You belong there. There is where's family, and friends, and meaning, even under death's shadow. They need you. You need them."
It felt true. Felt right, in a way that ran too deep for words.

She'd obtained a pregnancy test from Bar, late one night. She could have gone to the Infirmary, probably should have done, but she was afraid of what they might tell her.
The result was still positive.

So now, she faced starting over...but not alone.
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