a beautiful weekend!

Nov 24, 2007 19:21

Guess what wonderful thing I've had in my lap for the last two days? A beautiful cat called Little Meow Meow!

Here are two pictures:

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food, procrastination, friends, ernestine, school

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Comments 29

zanthinegirl November 25 2007, 04:09:01 UTC
Pretty kittie! I miss having pets. I don't have a pet-friendly life; but I miss having pets!

Glad you guys had a good thanksgiving!


framefolly November 25 2007, 05:22:13 UTC
Thank you! Oh -- I love your Gromit icon!

My sister, who works at a hospital, also looks forward to a time when her lifestyle will be more pet-friendly. I keep reminding her that grown turtles only need to be fed once a week and hibernate 3 months out of the year ;) .

But the furry pets -- there's something special about them...


zanthinegirl November 25 2007, 05:56:00 UTC
It's hard to snuggle a turtle, but they are very cute!

And I have another Gromit icon :D They're a couple of years old, but talesofspike makes fun icons!


framefolly November 25 2007, 19:45:05 UTC
OMG! What could be better than chef Gromit!

Yes. The most success I've had at turtle-snuggling has happened when I most resembled a sun-baked rock, which is a difficult position to hold...

Always wonderful to get your comments :) . Thanks :) .


endless_lakes November 25 2007, 04:31:35 UTC
You look cuter than the cat! You look so very very cute. I'm drooling all over. I'm glad that you're making so many dents. Uncle George's house sounds fun. His son wrote me today- they are in Hualien. He congratulates you on your recent accomplishments. Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful ( ... )


endless_lakes November 25 2007, 15:17:23 UTC
Now I feel bad about my comments. Actually, the weekend with the rents was fun. It is very nice to hang out with the rents and find out what they are up to. And they treat me so well. I think I was just in a bad mood after riding the Fung Wah bus for 5.5 hours, getting stuck in Thanksgiving traffic.


framefolly November 25 2007, 19:51:06 UTC
Don't feel bad -- we all want to gripe after the Fung Wah bus on Thanksgiving weekend. That's a necessity.


framefolly November 25 2007, 19:49:49 UTC
Hm. The entries without the little lock symbol are open to the public -- do you want everyone to know about your drooling problem?

(just in case: endless_lakes is referring to metaphorical drool!) ;) .

Man. You've been to Hualian. He's been to Hualian. When will *I* get to go to Hualian?!? It's not fair (sulks).

No worries about the rents. And our house IS cold. If I have to wear outside clothes inside, I decree: cold.

My perennial activity at home is to clean. The only problem is that with the ox's next appearance every trace of effort disappears...

Two pairs of shoes! For us, that's like, reading 20 books or something! Seriously. I don't know any other girls who hate shoe-shopping as much as we do, except bluebombardier -- think it runs in the family?

Can't wait to be home myself. You do realize what's missing, right? If I'm home, you won't be bored, or cold, or anything except totally drooling, all the time ;) .


petzipellepingo November 25 2007, 08:40:33 UTC
Not only to I have cats that kneed and purr but I have two who like to sleep on top of me. It's like your own personal hot water bottle.


framefolly November 25 2007, 19:51:47 UTC
You're so lucky! I love your icon, too :) . Someday, I'll have kitties of my very own...


petzipellepingo November 25 2007, 20:28:42 UTC
That's the fine work of eyesthatslay.


framefolly November 25 2007, 20:32:21 UTC
Oh -- and Happy Birthday!


curiouswombat November 25 2007, 13:16:20 UTC
Cats on laps are such an aid to not moving! She is very sweet looking.


framefolly November 25 2007, 19:53:05 UTC
Thank you :) -- not that I have anything to do with how she looks, but I can't help but feel a kind of reflected pride :) .

Actually, per your icon, once in a while Meow Meow reaches up and pats the arm closest to her, and I know it's time to stop typing and give her more attention ;) .


zandperl November 25 2007, 13:28:44 UTC
I'm jealous, that sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving. :)


framefolly November 25 2007, 19:53:30 UTC
Thanks -- I really needed this break! Tomorrow, once more into the breach...


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