why does time fly?

Oct 23, 2007 17:16

Because I should be writing my dissertation.

And, because I should be writing my dissertation, I shall tell you about my weekend!

Singing a big choral piece, like Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah, is probably the closest I will ever come to knowing the ecstasy of athleticism. We rehearsed for 3hrs on Saturday (plus another 1.5hrs for commute and set up), ( Read more... )

family, meme, food, singing, school

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Comments 18

Yay! endless_lakes October 24 2007, 01:44:03 UTC
Tiny, you sound so happy and productive!

I miss really good choral singing too. I love how you compare it to athletics! I thought that was an ingenious comment. This is why I'm going to make my child (if I ever have one) play violin so he/she can enjoy the wonders of playing in an orchestra.

I didn't know that the Mendelssohn "lift my eyes" came from Elijah! It's one of my favorite soundbites of all time. I always imagined it as an isolated little piece rather than a part of some big oratario, thoough. When I'm depressed the sound of "lift my eyes" is one thing that cheers me up.

Do we really donate rice when we flatter ourselves about our good vocabulary?


Re: Yay! framefolly October 24 2007, 04:11:52 UTC
Our poor children...maybe we shouldn't have any....

Yes! And now your sister has performed it!

I trust zandperl's links -- I don't know about the flattery, though -- I'm not performing as well as I would like.


zandperl October 24 2007, 02:18:16 UTC
Here, this one'll give you a smile and NOT suck too much time out of you. :)

I got the same "soul" thingit.

I kept meaning to post that we're working on a different arrangement of "Deck the Halls" (my chorus is small and mostly not highly talented, only around 1/3 of us can read music) that involves 8 parts. Strangely, though I'm Sop II and the choral director is Sop I, she put me as the only Sop I and her the only Sop II, since the other Soprano decided she'd rather try Alto on this song. (The other Sop might have picked Alto b/c the Altos are very weak despite their greater numbers, or b/c she's the one the director said wasn't as good at holding the tune so she thought having more Altos around her would help, I'm not sure which.) My guess as to why the director chose me as Sop I and her as II (I haven't asked directly) is that the Sop I part needs to be heard, and she sometimes will switch parts during a performance if another part falls apart. :-P I mention we're not all that great?


framefolly October 24 2007, 04:13:59 UTC
OMG those are crazy bunnies!

Hehe -- but we're different enneagrams!

Singing's fun no matter what. As long as the people are cool. I've been in a few groups where I didn't know anyone's names after a few weeks -- and I just can't stand that. I don't want to be best friends or anything -- just to have a sense of being not just a cog in a machine.


bluebombardier October 24 2007, 02:46:23 UTC
How much of our national budget is devoted to K-12 education again?

We have a national budget?

Man, I miss the performing high, too. Can't get many kicks singing solo at the piano to myself.

I caught the last five minutes of "Bones" while waiting for "House". It looks interesting. If I weren't already watching "House" on Tuesdays, I would give it a gander.

M and C? Are they my cousins, too? M cooks a mean dinner. I just ate and I'm drooling all over the keyboard.


framefolly October 24 2007, 04:15:38 UTC
I'll go hear you sing solos :) .

I like Bones. A lot. It hits all my kinks.

M and C are indeed mutual cousins. They have a blog, too -- will be putting all sorts of babypix up.


bluebombardier October 24 2007, 04:51:53 UTC
I didn't know M was pregnant! I didn't even know she was married! Unless I'm thinking of the wrong M. I should ask my mom.

Is C white? I'm not being racist; this may help in unraveling the confusion. We may have met him back in July. I didn't know there were Mormons in the family!


framefolly October 24 2007, 05:40:34 UTC
Our mothers' oldest brother and his wife (with the chihuahuas?) are not-entirely-practicing Mormons. All three of their children are more serious about the faith than they are. The youngest of them, M, is the most serious of all, I think, although the eldest went on the 2yr international mission. And yes, C is white.

They got married last year -- I went to the wedding -- it involved karaoke -- it was very, very....interesting.

Yep, M's just about to pop...and she's quite a few years YOUNGER than me. I mean, I remember when she was BORN, and now's she's going to have a BABY. I remember when you were born! You younguns...


zanthinegirl October 24 2007, 05:52:13 UTC
The mendelson weekend sounds like fun!

I know what you mean about dinner with relatives. My cousin moved very nearby; I've only gotten together with her once!


framefolly October 25 2007, 02:08:17 UTC
It's a bit bittersweet that we can rely on our family this way, and they rely on us similarly ;) .


winsomeone October 24 2007, 11:30:27 UTC
Oooh, pretty music being made. I do envy you, for alas, my tunes alway fall out of their buckets.

Bones is always of the good. Pretty people, fun and smart dialog and decent plot.


framefolly October 25 2007, 02:09:00 UTC
Aww...You just haven't done Asian karaoke while high on sake yet ;) .

Yes, pwetty pwetty people...yummmmm...


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