bsg_aussiegirl wanted as a challenge entry "something imaginative I haven't thought of." So I wrote her this little NC drabble based on the song "Reject your shame" by the UK band
ar_drabbles challenge 86, "skinjobs".
Too many broken wings, too many one-eyed kings / Nobody gets to tell me what I do or what I am )
Comments 7
It does feel that this is the straw that breaks the camels back for Bill because he really does understand how necessary Laura is to everyone's well being, not least his. If there is any chance of long term survival for the people it will be under her leadership, they cannot risk losing her so they have to act now. With Baltar in charge they cannot survive NC let alone any return of the Cylons.
If only Bill had chosen the people over Laura's humanity when it came to stealing the election it would never have come to this. Of course what it might have come to is a whole other story...
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