This took longer than planned because today we had another library tour. But I couldn't let bsg_aussiegirl stay ahead of me for long....
He was her first patron in the morning and her last at night. He'd monopolize a table, books spread around him, glaring at anyone who came near.
During his second week of patronage she'd offered help, but he said that he knew his way around a card catalog and could pull books from the shelves for himself.
Two months later he finally approached her desk. "Where did you hide Leonis Law Journal?"
"Periodicals, under L."
"Only this year's."
"Back issues? They're digitized on CAPRINET. Let me help you access it."
"I can figure it out."
She leaned back in her chair, watching him work the terminal. Ten minutes later his scowl met her sly smile. He admitted defeat and called her over.
"What seems to be the problem?" she asked.
"I can't get into CAPRINET."
"Of course not. Terminals aren't networked."
"Who ever heard of a librarian afraid of computers?"
"I'm not afraid of computers. This library has more computers than any other branch on Caprica. But none of the patron terminals are networked. If you'll step over to my desk, I'll get you the information you need."
"That's a waste of staff resources."
"What's a waste of staff resources are patrons who pull dozens of books at a time so other people can't read them. Who insist on reshelving and use their own idiosyncratic order instead of the Prima Decimal System. Who come every day and who never, ever, smile or say 'thank you' or even 'good morning.' That's what I call a waste of resources, Mr. Adama."
"You know my name?"
"I'm chief librarian. I know everything."
He lowered his head and for the first time noticed her nameplate. "Then, Miss Roslin, do you know if a chief librarian would accept my invitation to dinner as belated thanks?"