56 Mass Effect Icon

Aug 17, 2010 11:09

As always a post here to my icons at a_random_mess

Icons of: fem!shep, male!shep, Jack, Ash, Tali, Mordin, Anderson, Liara, Miranda, Kaidan♥, Thane♥, Jeff "Jocker" Moreau, The Illusive Man and Saren

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mass effect, icons

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Comments 1

mariahgem November 3 2010, 01:08:04 UTC
Hey, I found your LJ through your icon page, and I was wondering if it would be ok if I friended you? It seems like we have a lot in common! I love Mass Effect too, and it looks like our Shepards look a lot alike, except mine's a brunette! LOL! :D

Check it out:


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