a bunch of new Icons: text, nyx and silent hill

Mar 20, 2006 21:46

Today I have lots of new icons for you :P. Again some new NYX icons... I want to buy that comic book :( ... just wait I'll have it one day :P Then new icons of my favourite game Silent Hill (all the games). The icons were made for competition at
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joshua middleton, text, nyx, x-23, silent hill, icons, x-men

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Comments 66

treehugger_08 March 21 2006, 03:17:05 UTC
took some of the text ones. funny.


fragilecat March 21 2006, 09:30:58 UTC
thanks :) an I like your icon!


juleyah March 21 2006, 10:12:21 UTC
I really like the random ones!

Taking #29, 35, 36 & 38.
Thank you!


fragilecat March 21 2006, 11:01:05 UTC
hehe take as many as you want :D I'm happy you like them!


duncanid March 21 2006, 17:30:37 UTC
Great icons. I'm taking 34-37. I will give credit.


fragilecat March 21 2006, 18:28:08 UTC
thanks, have fun with them :)


kazukorin49 March 21 2006, 22:11:39 UTC
38....*giggles* oh, that is SO me XD


fragilecat March 21 2006, 22:16:35 UTC
well, that makes two :D


spoiled_andrea March 22 2006, 02:43:04 UTC
Just taking #34. Love that one. :} Will credit if used. Thanks!


fragilecat March 22 2006, 09:13:13 UTC
thanks... yeah, that's really what I think every morning :)


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