Title: Quietly Author: broken__records Pairing: Jim/Pam Word Count: 275 Rating: K Summary: Short little bit of post Frame Toby fluff. So spoilers, obviously.
I'm so excited about this house. I want to see them decorate it adorably and turn it into this perfect little place and just.. ugh. This was so lovely.
(Random, but I hope for Christmas he gets it decorated all beautifully for them. I want to see them in there lots, even though I doubt that that will ever happen.)
She presses her body warm against yours, her hand flat on your stomach. The sun is fading and its sedated orange comes through the window over the bed. The trees branch shadows play on the bare mattress, her bare legs, the carpet.
Comments 10
(Random, but I hope for Christmas he gets it decorated all beautifully for them. I want to see them in there lots, even though I doubt that that will ever happen.)
This is my favourite line of writing. Ever.
I love you.
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