Title: The Distance and the Damage
broken__recordsPairing: Jim/Pam
Word Count: 4233
Rating: M
Summary: S3 AU. She twists the gold band on her finger around and around. She waits to feel regret or guilt or something else besides this buzzing excitement.
shapeless secrets )
Comments 11
I remember having a discussion with one of my friends about the best type of books. She said that all books should have happy endings. But I say that books should leave you with some sort of emotion, good or bad, long after the final page has been turned, long after it's been put on the shelf.
Even though this isn't a book, I have the feeling that this will be staying with me for a very long time. Thank you.
this was amazing!!!
This was gorgeous.
S3 AU fic is my absolute favorite kind of fic ever ever ever because I love the angst and emotion that came with that season and it just lends itself perfectly to stuff like this.
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