(no subject)

May 01, 2009 16:24

Title: Most Important Friend
Writer: fr_gal
Rating: G
Pairing: Light AkaKame
Original Story/Writer Written for jentfic_remix
Original is Something Beautiful by tia_junan
Author Notes: ^^ first time remixing, so I hope it's alright.

The evening ends early and staff members quickly run about packing up stage equipment used throughout the day. One by one each member of the group files into the dressing room preparing to leave as well. One is headed towards a drama shoot, another two to the radio studio, the fourth to a night out on the town, and the last two home with a chance of something more. Amongst the hustle and bustle of the evening two pairs of eyes meet and though no words are exchanged a simple message still gets across just the same.

People talk, they say things like a consistent spot in the limelight just come naturally to Jin, and if they say he doesn’t work hard it’s only because they’ve never seen how hard he works to be with the other man.

Jin raises his chopsticks to his lips - chewing the piece of meat thoroughly before swallowing. But he does not taste it, not really. Not when his mind is preoccupied with constantly checking the time. It’s their night; one of the few where he gets to see the other behind closed doors. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough in Jin’s opinion.

His patience is slowly beginning to thin - it doesn’t help that the night seems to be dragging along - and his leg twitches irritably as he resists the urge to recheck the time. He waits a moment longer then sighs as he glances down at his phone - still too early - before systematically raising another portion of food towards his lips.

Even eating - much like everything else in his life - simply becomes a passing afterthought when the younger man is involved.

It’s still too soon for him to head out, but Jin’s grown tired of sitting idly and waiting. He lets out an aggravated sigh and walks out of the apartment - leaving behind his half-eaten plate on the table. He inserts the key into the ignition and starts the car. Even though it is pitch black out Jin knows he still can’t afford to be careless now. So he takes the longest, roundabout route he knows; even if all he really wants to do is speed and cut corners rushing towards the other man. But it’s necessary - he knows - for them. One false move and it’s all over.

Eventually he stops and parks his car at a nearby convenient store. The night air is cool and calming as he treks down the street. He takes an unconventional, dimly-lit path which he’s traveled many times before. It takes an extra twenty minutes before he comes upon an almost hidden side entrance to an apartment building. Jin carefully steps inside the brightly lit lounge and practically dashes towards one of the freight elevators before he can relax and calmly breathe again.

People joke and speculate, but Jin finds it a little more than unnerving that they’ve been reduced to behaving like criminals just to be able to see each other in privacy.

Though Jin makes it a point to never stand too close to the elevator doors he still can’t help but jump in shock when the elevator stops much too early and the doors open for newcomers. Jin’s heart races and he scurries to a back corner trying to hide amongst the almost nonexistent shadows of the small room. For a moment he regrets leaving his fedora back home in his rush to leave the house - one simple, careless mistake.

But, as it seems, lady luck is on his side and a man and woman - girl really - step inside. The man pulls her close to his side and the girl lets out a soft giggle as one of her long, delicate fingers raises to press the button for their stop. One floor above his Jin notices before his eyes trail back towards the couple in front of him.

The man leans against one of the walls and his feet are spaced widely as the girl nestles herself between his legs. His hands are wrapped around her waist protectively - lovingly. Hers are lightly grasping his shoulders as she moves to whisper lightly in his ear. There’s a quiet chuckle from the man before the elevator stops once more. The couple pauses confused and Jin rushes out quickly before they can get a glimpse of his face.

Jin walks one, two, three steps away when he hears the girl’s light, melodic laughter fill the hallway - the man’s own husky laugh following at Jin’s fourth step. At the fifth is when Jin turns around and glances once more at the couple as the elevator doors begin to close. Jin watches the girl twirl into the middle of the elevator pulling the man along with her, before placing a chaste kiss upon his lips. Jin sees the smile that graces both their faces as the man rests his forehead against the girl’s. He knows that in that moment the couple is perfectly, incandescently happy. And for a fleeting second Jin entertains the notion of the younger man and himself in an elevator lost in each other before brushing the thought aside. Just the two of them sharing an elevator alone would turn heads. He can only imagine what would happen if they were caught being so intimate with each other. It’d be the scandal of the year.

Two Johnny’s Idol Caught in a Gay Relationship!!!

Jin turns his back on the happy couple and walks down the hall towards a door he knows all to well. His destination is at the far end of the hall, nicely hidden from prying eyes and sensitive ears. More than impatiently waiting at home, driving a long winding route, taking the back entrance towards the building, or anxiously standing in the long elevator ride Jin hates the walk towards the door at back of the hallway. The last final stretch always makes him feel more like he’s doing something wrong than anything else. His footsteps slow to a steady, languid pace and his shoulders hunch. Even Jin begins to feel the wear and tear that the years of hiding put upon them.

He reaches the last door on the right and knocks softly. Jin hears soft footsteps running towards the door before slowing down considerably, and a small smile breaks out on his face. In his mind Jin can picture the younger man neatly putting his hair up before pulling the tie out and raking a hand through his hair to muss it up. He’s tired and feeling a more than a little ragged, but even still the thought of stopping - of ending what they share - has never come to mind. Because when the door opens to reveal the smiling, slightly worried face of the younger man Jin knows everything is worth it.

Jin doesn’t quite remember when it - they - officially started, but he’s always known right from the beginning that Kazuya was and always would be his most important, precious friend.


Comments are always appreciated <3

akame, remix, fanfic: one-shot

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