[fic] oneshot

Apr 19, 2009 06:51

Title: Someday
Pairing/Characters: AkaKame / Yamapi, KAT-TUN, Kame's family
Rating/Genre: G
Disclaimer: Nope, still not Johnny
Summary/Notes: If the world were to end in three days, how would you spend them?
Very much inspired by an episode of Arashi no Shukudai

On the first day Kazuya goes about his day as previously planned. In the morning he sleeps in a few hours more than usual - there is no work that day - and the sun is shining brightly in the sky before he wakes up. Kazuya showers, dresses casually and by the time he’s done Pi has left three messages on his phone. Chuckling quietly he pours a cup of water into Ran’s bowl - the small Daschund still sound asleep - then finally leaves the house.

Ten minutes late, Kazuya walks into the small café where Pi glares at him in mock annoyance. Kazuya apologizes, which would’ve been more effective if it wasn’t for the knowing grin on his face, so Pi places an order of raisin bread to spite the younger man. Yamashita lets out a stifled laugh at the disgruntled look on Kame’s face and Kazuya childishly sticks out his tongue at the older man before breaking out into soft laughter himself. Breakfast - brunch really - continues easily as the two make small talk about trivial things, and all too quickly comes to a close. They each pay their share and begin to head out - raisin bread left untouched on the table. Outside Kazuya asks Yamashita where he’s headed to.

“I’m going to meet with Ryo and Jin,” he starts, then glances at the younger questioningly, “do you want to join us?”

Kazuya shakes his head, “It’s okay, the rest of the troupe will show up right? Besides Jin’s going to pick me up tomorrow night.”

Yamashita smiles - almost wistfully - and nods his head.

“Tell everyone I said ‘hi’.”

“I will.”

As they part ways Kazuya stops at the sound of Yamashita’s voice.


He turns around and watches as Pi raises a hand - his two middle fingers pressed against his thumb, “Kon-kon.”

Kame smiles and raises his own to mimic the hand fox. “Bye-bye Akira-kun.”


When Kazuya returns Ran is awake and happily runs to him as he enters the doorway. He lightly pats her head and moves to the kitchen to fill her dish with food. Kazuya takes a few minutes to relax, but soon enough Ran begins to paw at his leg and he readies to leave the house once more.

During his walk with Ran, Kazuya spots Koki and Junno across the street. He slows to a stop and watches them past the constant flow of traffic and bustle of people walking around him. The duo is perched on a bench with a puppy in Junno’s lap. He sees Junno's lips move and without missing a beat Koki’s hand flies to lightly smack the taller man’s head. The two of them smile and Kame thinks he can almost hear their laughter ringing in his ears.

For a split-second Junno’s eyes raise just long enough for him to catch Kazuya’s gaze. He nudges Koki who soon notices the youngest member of their group too and the duo smiles gently at him. Kazuya returns the smile and gives a small wave before continuing on his way down the sidewalk.

On his way home Kazuya stops again as he hears someone calling his name. He turns to find Maru walking his way. The older man bends down to pat Ran when he reaches them and moves to finish walking Kame home. It isn’t much longer before they reach Kazuya’s doorstep and though Kame invites Maru in the older man politely declines. Rather, he hands Kame a bag instead.

“It’s from my mom. She wants to make sure you’re eating right.” Nakamaru explains.

Kame takes the bag and smiles nostalgically as he recalls the running back of the woman on that day he first met her years ago. Abruptly, Kazuya pulls Yuichi into a tight embrace.

“Thank you.”


That evening - just as he’s taking out the food Nakamaru’s mother previously prepared - Kazuya’s phone beeps. He opens the device and quickly scans the message before walking towards and opening his door.

“You really should just knock if you’re going to already be standing outside my door.”

Ueda smiles sheepishly and Kame ushers him into the house. Inside, the ex-leader and shadow leader of the group share a quiet dinner. They don’t exchange many words, but the silence is comforting. Afterwards Tatsuya helps him clean up and do the dishes - which ends up in a water fight and laughter echoes throughout the apartment. The time moves along steadily and before either of them realizes it the sun has set and nightfall sneaks upon them.

Kazuya offers to walk with the other man to the train station, to which Tatsuya declines - he drove that day, so instead Kame walks the other to his car. Ueda shuffles from one foot to the other as he looks for his keys and Kazuya chuckles behind a hand. Before he gets into the car Tatsuya turns around and lightly punches the younger man’s shoulder.

“I’m glad we met.” He smiles softly, “Despite the rocky beginnings.”

Kazuya’s lips curl upwards as he returns the light punch. “~Best friend…”

Tatsuya grins, “~…best friend…”

“~…taisetsu na hito…” They finish together.


Kazuya wakes up early on the second day.

Gently picking up the sleeping Daschund he places Ran in her carrier before getting ready to leave. The first rays of sunlight have only begun to show as he leaves the house and by the time he reaches his destination the morning sky is a soft grey-blue. He walks up a familiar driveway and before he has a chance to even knock the door opens.


His mother smiles brightly in her apron and welcomes him inside with a warm hug, only to jump away as she remembers the apron is already dirty from cooking. Kazuya softly laughs and stops briefly to put down the carrier - remembering to keep the door open for Ran - and heads towards the kitchen. Though his hair is not long anymore, Kazuya still pull it up into a short ponytail then moves to help his mother finish cooking. More than once he scrunches his face at a few of the ingredients his mother puts into some of the dishes.

“Oh stop that. Your brothers like it.” She simply says in a teasing, motherly voice.

The morning passes in at languid pace - at some point Kazuya’s father wakes up and sneaks a plate of food - and one by one his brothers arrive - wives and children as well. His sister-in-laws file into the kitchen - helping out wherever needed - and his brothers watch the kids. Before long lunch time arrives and they set the table; his mother’s morning work laid out before them. The children are plated up first - the only way to shush them - then his father and mother, his sister-in-laws next, then finally his brothers and himself - the four boys. It’s first time since Yuya’s gotten married that the four of them have all gathered at his parents for a good sit-down meal and Kazuya finds himself not even minding the raw tomatoes on his plate - well he does mind, but is in too good a mood to not eat them anyways.


In the evening Kazuya sits on the stairwell with Ran sleeping at his feet - running around with the kids has finally tired her out - and watches. His sister-in-laws are resting on the couch - two of them with infants in their laps - and catches glimpses of his brothers still cleaning the kitchen. The back of his father’s head is visible through one of the front windows and he can hear his nieces and nephews running about in the yard. There’s a soft ‘plop’ as his mother seats herself a few steps below him; Yūichirō’s newborn son in her arms. She coos at the small baby and nuzzles his face before he falls asleep and she contently watches him. Her eyes are soft and there’s a brief moment where they fill with tears that she blinks away. Kazuya moves to hug her tightly from behind.

Moments later a loud yelp - as well as a few more hi-pitched ones - comes from the front yard followed by his father’s robust laughter and the rest of the family crowd out the door to see all the commotion.

“Jin!” Kazuya exclaims once he makes his way outside.

The older man is sprawled onto the ground effectively pinned down by Kazuya’s two nieces and nephews.

Jin coughs and smiles, albeit strained. “H-hi, Kazu.”

It takes a few minutes but soon enough each of Kazuya’s brothers manage to pull the children off Jin, though one of the girls - Koji’s second daughter - adamantly refuses to leave the man’s side and he ends up having to carry her on his back. Once inside Kazuya gathers his things and takes Ran into Jin’s car. He spends a few minutes more with his family before he and Jin move to leave, only to be stopped by a small hand still holding on to Jin’s jacket sleeve.

“Mina -” Her mother starts

“No! He’s gonna take Kazu-nii away. If Onii-san stays then Kazu-nii will stay too.”

Koji starts to reach out but stops as Kazuya bends down to the little girl’s height.

“Mina-chan…” He starts, “Oniichan will be very sad if you keep Jin, so can’t you give him back to me?”

Mina peers up at him with dangerously shining eyes.

“Please?” Kazuya urges.

The small girl lowers her eyes and hesitantly let go of Jin’s sleeve.

“I-if you make Kazu-nii cry, Mina will never forgive you!”

Jin’s eyes widen for a moment then soften as he bends down and holds out his pinky finger.

“I promise to not let Kazuya be sad.”

Holding his eyes with her own, Mina links her pinky with his.


The first time Kazuya wakes up on the third day he finds himself in warm, comforting arms. The sun has yet to rise and Kazuya snuggles himself further into the other man’s embrace - Jin’s steady breathing lulling him back to sleep.

The second time he wakes up that day, Kazuya finds himself alone in the now too large bed. But as the fresh scent of coffee reaches his nose Kazuya doesn’t let himself fret needlessly. He walks into the kitchen and sees Jin standing in front of the counter. It isn’t long before the older man notices his presence and soon enough Jin turns around; two cups in his hand and a bright smile on his face.

“You’re supposed to still be asleep so I can wake you up with a morning kiss.”

“I’m not a sleeping princess and you’re no prince.”

Jin puts down the cups and moves to brush his lips against Kazuya’s, “I may not be a prince…” He deepens the kiss and suddenly picks the younger man up “…but I can still sweep you off your feet.”

Kazuya lets out a small yelp as his feet are swept from under him and his arms instinctively tighten around Jin’s neck, “Baka.”

The older man simply laughs and twirls them both around a few times before letting the other down once more. Kazuya glares - though the smile is still present on his face - and he grabs the cup of coffee off the table.


For breakfast Kazuya makes a light meal and for lunch Jin takes them out to a nearby café.

The small bistro is close by and the duo simply decides to walk to and from the eatery. Inside the quiet café they share an intimate lunch - where Kame nitpicks through the meal and Jin quietly eats the bits Kazuya refuses to. Jin even once swipes some sauce from the side of Kazuya’s lips and licks his finger clean. On any other given day the younger man would’ve reprimanded the older with a lecture about proper timing and place, but on that day Kazuya simply flushes and smiles shyly in his seat.

On their walk back home Kazuya even dares to take Jin’s hand in his own.


That evening, they sit out on the back porch watching the setting sun. The air is cool and just as Kazuya is about to grab a coat, Jin’s arms wrap around his shoulders - pulling him close to the older man. In the yard Ran and Pin run about frolicking with each other. The atmosphere is relaxed and Kazuya thinks he’s never been happier in his life than at that moment.

Kazuya leans heavily against the older man. “Jin.”

“Hmm?” His fingers play with a strand of Kame’s hair.

“I’m sorry someday didn’t come sooner.”

Jin’s fingers stop for a second before the older man pulls Kazuya closer into his embrace and brushes his lips against Kazuya’s temple.

Someday, the Jimusho would let them be. Someday, the fans were going to get over it. Someday, they would be just Jin and Kame and not the K and A of KAT-TUN. Someday, they were going to be allowed to love.

“You’re with me now aren’t you? That’s more than enough for me.”


Comments are always much love♥

akame, fanfic: one-shot

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