Slavery never went away. It just crawled into people's souls and settled there. And of all the slave minds, the worst are those who shill for the rich and powerful - people who don't even need advocacy, they can supply their own so well - and praise their banditry. And there is a variety of such shills who is not only repulsive but also comical:
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Comments 2
Very much yes. I am constantly amazed by the wide variety of people who "know" that they are Absolutely Right, and everyone else is either Duped or Foolish. Obviously, there are people who know more about certain subjects than others, thanks to research and education. But a lot of people insist that they are correct with no back up at all, as far as one can see.
(Is it bad to admit that I sometimes wish I had their confidence?)
Truly, I've never heard it put to well, sir.
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