You're supposed to ask me a question about each of the following categories, and I'm supposed to answer them. Then you're supposed to post the meme on your own lj. Supposedly you're not supposed to worry about being too personal or embarrassing me, but if you want to worry about it, that's fine with me
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Comments 9
2. Have you ever regretted a sexual experience?
3. What instrument do you play very well?
4. If the doctor gives you a choice, which would you prefer - pills or needles?
5. Is it false if it doesn't hurt?
6. Does anyone in your family (parents, kids, sibs I mean) read your lj?
2) Yes. Also the lack of one.
3) Er, I can sing fairly decently... does that count?
4) Pills, every time.
5) It's not love unless it turns your life and every one of your assumptions upside down. It's not love if it's nice and reasonable and reassuring.
6) I would like them to, but they either have no time or don't read English.
Yes. I get that a lot.
What is the most you’ve ever forgiven a friend?
2. Sex.
What is it that men want from a women?
3. Music.
Does the sound of a novice playing for fun make you smile as much as the music of a professional who is good enough to earn money?
4. Drugs.
How does Britain keep prescription drug costs under control with all the new ones coming on the market? Or is that a political question?
5. Love.
How do you mostly express affection - doing favors for people, giving gifts, touching, talking, hanging out together, remembering things?
6. LiveJournal.
Which “real person” blogs should everyone read more?
Most of my friends are strange and wonderful - from privatemaladict, who has the looks of a Golden Age Hollywood movie star and still insists on being a doctor, to kikei, to becomethesea, to... Well, you get it.
2. Sex.
You don't want to know.
3. Music.
The success of Kylie Minogue. Now explain that. She's not even attractive!
4. Drugs.
On a couple of occasions, I have been the only person unstoned and unsmoking in a room full of potheads.
5. Love.
Clare. WTF was that all about? (Clare was a butch lesbian.)
6. LiveJournal.
popehead, atallvlad, and a few others.
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