Title: Lee Hyukjae's Online Dating Adventure
Main Characters: Eunhyuk, Donghae
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Genre: Romance, fluff
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None~
Summary: After his unsuccessful blind date with Sungmin Eunhyuk caves and creates an account on an online dating website. Let his Online Dating Adventure begin.
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A/N: Hey everyone. I am
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Comments 16
ahahhaahaha and so awesomely hilarious!! I have no idea how did you came up with that kind of idea XDD but it was soo cute!! Aahaha I wonder how Eunhyuk didn't realize anything XD well you wouldn't expect anything like that to happen, so... hahah still so funny ^_^
I think Donghae was super cute. Sometimes people are going little overboard in making Hae fish-obsessed but usually it's cute.. like now XD I wonder if the real Donghae likes fishes very much or only likes them.. o_O oh well since real Hyukjae is the anchovy he ofc likes fishes.. but just how much.. o.o okay why am I wondering this now? :DD
Anyways thanks for writing!! Definitely lightened up my night :D
-squeals with you-
Neither do I ^^; XDDD
Eunhyuk is a very innocent monkey. :)
Donghae loves fishies cause he's a fishie :D And Eunhyuk is an anchovy so of course Hae likes him. :D
I feel like in real life he likes them but not as obsessed as we all make him out to be xDDD
Haha, I'm glad! Thank you for reading~!
I like how Hyukjae doesn't even think about the possibility that it could be Donghae although the similarities are super obvious ♥
Glad you liked it~! Thanks for reading!
Thank you so much for reading~! And Taemin is adorable~
Hahaha. I literally lol'd at that part. Anyway, I enjoyed reading this. Really cute and funny. :D
And glad you liked it! :D Thanks for reading~!
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