Having trouble sleeping tonight, so decided to port whatever I can from here to
DreamWidth. Considering recent policy changes here at LiveJournal I'd like to be prepared, just in case. Going forward, I'll likely be cross-posting on both.
If you're on DreamWidth, please feel free to
add me. However,
Twitter and
Telegram are where I'm most active
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Comments 5
(Yay overblown TOS; but DW has had it in for LJ all along)
You're looking to remain within the US, then, at least as a base?
Yes, I'm still in the US, and probably not moving since I have a house now. Just hoping I can get less stressed with work and such.
Hope you're doing well these days.
Oh, cool beans! Of course, that brings its own ties, but if it's a locale you really don't want to leave in a hurry, it'd definitely be nice to be paying money every month as an investment rather than merely life maintenance.
Not doing too badly here - the aspect I mentioned in a filter a while back (I maybe should post an update there; haven't used that one in some time, as there hasn't really been any big news) has been progressing very happily. And with any luck, I'll have more to post in the other filter I sometimes use, as you may've noticed.
Aaactually, now I think about it, I suppose there is something to write about on the first.. ^_^
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