013 [Text, Voice] // Discedo, Meet the New Konoha Ninjas~

Sep 18, 2009 18:46

It seems like most of the new monsters are gone and fog has lifted, which brings me to an announcement...

Discedo, please say hello to Uchiha Obito and Haruno Sakura! They're from the same village as me, Konoha.

And now that the fog is gone, people are welcome to come and visit! ♥

narupapa, angeal can cook, let's have a party, wazzzuuuuuuuuuuup, the other minato

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[locked] wears_a_torc September 19 2009, 09:29:31 UTC
Things never stay quite around your place does it?

[He pauses when he notices the heart, but he doesn't comment on it, after all this guy walked around wearing one of Amy's bracelets for a while.]

I can come get that gem now if you want?


[locked] foxtamer September 19 2009, 22:41:35 UTC
Nope, I'm afraid not!

[It's mostly there to screw with people, truthfully. And to see how many people actually comment on it!]

That sounds good, Knuckles!


[locked] wears_a_torc September 20 2009, 13:17:36 UTC
Sounds like you like it that way.

I'll be over soon then. Here's hoping nothing happens to me this time.

(occ: comment log or assume?)


[locked] foxtamer September 20 2009, 17:24:34 UTC
Actually, I believe I do.

I'll see you soon, then. And it'd better not!

((OOC: |D I don't think we've ever comment logged for him visiting Minato, and only the other way around, so why don't we?

... althoguh I'm going to have a 8:30 to 5:00 PM EST job starting tomorrow, so uh. |D It might take a while to comment log, considering timezones.))


[locked] wears_a_torc September 20 2009, 17:33:54 UTC
Right which room number are you again?
And, just to make sure, no one's had their chip out over there have they?

(ooc:Noooo! *stabs timezones* >_<)


[locked] foxtamer September 20 2009, 17:51:19 UTC
Latimir 110 or 111. We combined the two.

Sasuke has, but he's since recovered. Why?



[locked] wears_a_torc September 20 2009, 18:01:06 UTC
It seems like every time I go to Latimir someone with some kind of mind control has just gotten their chip out and I get caught up in whatever mess they cause.

At least I know it can't happen this time.


[locked] foxtamer September 20 2009, 18:08:14 UTC
Luckily, Sasuke's Sharingan aren't to the mastered stage yet, and he's recovered, so you should be fine.


[locked] wears_a_torc September 20 2009, 18:34:02 UTC
Well I'm half way there now so we'll see I arrive.


[locked] foxtamer September 20 2009, 19:44:41 UTC
Be careful!


[locked] wears_a_torc September 20 2009, 20:00:52 UTC
[Knuckles just sighs before clicking off the comm.]

[And not to long after that there's a knock on the door, And when Minato sees him he'll see that Knuckles has a bandage on his left shoulder and right arm.]


[locked] foxtamer September 20 2009, 23:06:53 UTC
[Minato blinks at Knuckles's injuries before he sighs softly. Really, he gets in as much trouble as the kids. He does look at them pointedly for a moment, but doesn't otherwise ask about them, opening the door fully for Knuckles instead.]

Heh. Luckily, the construction dust is already cleared up. It's livable enough to have company over again. It's good to see you're still in one piece, Knuckles.


[commentlog] Knuckles loved that backpack! T_T wears_a_torc September 21 2009, 14:35:40 UTC
[Knuckles wait's for Minato to say something, when he get's the look the Echidna just shrugs. He can clean and bandage the wounds by himself so no one else needed to worry about them. He thanked Minato as he steps into the room.]

It's...big. He turns to talk to Minato, only he has to look up to do so. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised at that.

I fared better than my back pack. Now I'm going to have to find a new one.


[commentlog] POOR KNUCKLES. T_T foxtamer September 23 2009, 01:47:54 UTC
[Well, that wasn't complete avoidance. That was a good sign, at least. Although Knuckles was too old to need a babysitter.]

It's two apartments, you know.

[Minato considers this for a moment.]

If I see any, I'll tell you.


[commentlog] It will always be rememebred fondly! (Unike the chest from Knux's world tour) wears_a_torc September 23 2009, 16:30:04 UTC
[If Minato had asked Knuckles would have answered, he knew he'd get in a fight or two while he'd been out in the woods, and he wasn't egotistical enough to think he wouldn't get at least a little hurt. He just disliked the suggestion that he hadn't been aware, or able to handle, the consequences of his actions.]

I know.

Thanks Minato. I'd appreciate it.

[And with that Knuckles was all business. The Echidna didn't know how to be a guest, so he acted in accordance to why he had come, rather than why he was welcome.]

So where's this gem and what size do you need it to be?


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