[005] Text // Naruto's pile of clothes has long since fallen!

Jul 14, 2009 17:22

For anyone that's been worried, Naruto and I are fine! Well, Naruto's broken his leg, but other than that, everyone is safe ( Read more... )

curious minato is curious, my kid, chip removal?, the other minato

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wears_a_torc July 14 2009, 21:50:33 UTC
I was starting to wonder where you were. I'm sorry your son got hurt.

Doctor Kureha got my chip out, some of the other doctors probably can too but I don't know who out of them can be trusted.

I wouldn't say it was major surgery... but has anyone warned you about the side effects of having it removed.

(ooc: And really should be in bed now, tag back tomorrow?)


foxtamer July 14 2009, 22:00:31 UTC
I figured I'd best send something for that very reason! And he could've been hurt much worse, so I'm grateful it's only a broken leg.

Doctor Kureha? And that's what I was concerned about, too. Not everyone can be trusted, after all.

Well, it would be if the chip was buried deep. And yes, I have heard about the side affects, although not in too much detail. I'd want to wait until Naruto's leg was more healed, at least.

(OOC: Haha, okay! Talk to you later~)


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 15:18:04 UTC
Dr Kureha is the one that's over a century old but still calls herself young. She's the owner of the Cow that I told you about.

Yes. I've, already argued with Washu over her methods. And she said there are others that are worse than her so yes, be careful.

My chip wasn't that deep but I've heard it moves so maybe I was just lucky, and waiting for Narito's leg to heal first would be best.

As for the side affects...You'll wake up the next morning wanting to be shot. Don't even try looking at food, just make sure you've got some water nearby and a bowl.

Then whatever ability's you have will start coming back in fit's and starts for about a week. There was a woman here who had some kind of control over time, she managed to trap herself and a lot of other people in the school for three days before she got her powers under control.

I guess you would have unexpected copies of yourself popping up around the place?


foxtamer July 15 2009, 15:42:37 UTC
I will have to look for her, then! Thanks, Knuckles.

Thanks for the warning; I'll avoid her.

Yes, that's what I was thinking, too--I want him to be at full strength before I attempt something like that.

Duly noted. Make sure I have lots of water and a big bowl. And maybe a blindfold, since my teleportation powers are line of sight. And Kage Bunshin is luckily one that needs a handseal, so hopefully that will keep anything from happening weirdly. We only need one man feeling horrible, not five or six!

... Although I'm glad I don't control time like that.


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 15:51:59 UTC
You're welcome.

You can teleport too?

Yeah, it makes me glad that the worse I could do was break a door and a few trees.


foxtamer July 15 2009, 16:00:48 UTC
Yes, I can. Which means I need to make sure I can't see out any windows if I get my chip out--we'll likely be back in Latimir by then, so I'll be fairly glad we're on the first floor. That's probably my ability that's most likely to go haywire, as it doesn't require any hand seals or words. I have another similar technique that doesn't require line of sight, but it requires characters written on an object.

Hmm. And another thing that I can do with just focus is using my chakra--energy--to grip onto things. Or stand on water. I can see how much fun that will be....


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 16:14:38 UTC
That's an resting set of skills. And it's good to see you thought this though, some people don't and it causes a lot of grief for the rest of us.

Grip things..? Yeah I can imagine how losing control of something like that would make things awkward for a while.


foxtamer July 15 2009, 16:47:49 UTC
That's only some of them, really... haha. But the ones most likely to actually cause problems!

Although Rasengan doesn't require seals, it requires concentration, much more so than my other abilities... At least. I'm hoping. Otherwise there will be holes in our stuff and Naruto will be, at the very least, quite annoyed at me. And I don't want to even think about how angry Sasuke will be!

Ha! Yes. Like when you're climbing up walls, or holding something on your foot, or any number of things. Chakra is often focused in the hands and feet, so I can see myself being randomly stuck to things in the future. Imagine how embarrassing it'll be to use a wall for support... and not be able to stop using it for support! Whoops!


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 17:06:03 UTC
It's a good thing the humans in my world don't have abilities like that. It would make life a lot harder.

Rasengan is an attack of somekind then?

I have a friend who can do that. [chuckles] You'll should try carrying a crowbar with you or something.


foxtamer July 15 2009, 17:20:18 UTC
Yes, Rasengan is a dense ball of whirling energy, basically. Generally something you don't want to use by accident.

[Minato laughs.] But what if I get stuck to the crowbar? I might clock myself in the head if I scratch an itch~ [Okay, he's obviously joking, but...]


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 17:24:17 UTC
The powers come on and off at random remember.

And you could always have Naruto scratch your nose for you.


foxtamer July 15 2009, 17:42:35 UTC
Yes, but it would be my luck to be stuck there for a while--until I use it for support--and then I'd suddenly fall over as my powers went off again.

[Minato starts laughing.] I might have to, depending on how bad it is!


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 17:52:46 UTC
Sounds like we have similar luck.


foxtamer July 15 2009, 18:04:18 UTC
I think it'd mostly seek to embarrass me around my son.


wears_a_torc July 15 2009, 18:07:38 UTC
What makes you say that?


foxtamer July 15 2009, 18:13:35 UTC
.. because it'd be funny? And it'd probably be for the better, anyways. Kid still thinks I'm invincible, and I'm not.


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