Gen Battle: Prompts Post

Feb 04, 2009 13:23

And this is the gen battle prompt post!

How to leave prompts
Prompts are simple: fandom, character(s)/ensemble, and (if you choose) a prompt word/phrase. If it's a phrase, make sure there's a way I can tell it's supposed to be a phrase.

This can cover any fandom (TV, book, movie, comic, anthropomorfic, whatever), including RPF, and characters of all ages are welcome! The only rule is that you aren't writing about romantic relationships.

If you've left some prompts and want to add more (until February 11), that's fine, but please leave them all in a new comment to the post, not a reply to your original comment, and not by editing the original comment.

This is the basic format:
Fandom, character(s), prompt word(s) (if any)
Crossover, fandom A/fandom B, character(s), prompt word(s) (if any)

For example:
Angel, Gunn, comics
Crossover, Bring it On/Heroes, any, save the cheerleader save the world
Battlestar Galactica, Caprica Six, babies, puppies, love
RPF, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, handsome, talented, wonderful

Also, if you're thinking of comics, listing by company name and then title would be awesome. For example:
DC Comics, Batman, Bruce Wayne, kittens
(thanks, anonymous!)

Anonymous posting is enabled, for now, although if people get especially shitty about things I'll just make a sockpuppet account for people to use if they don't feel like logging in. Logged in comments are also fine.

Please just use this post for prompts. Questions, offers, and general statements can be left here.

ETA: For the sake of fannish harmony, I'm removing one or two wank-baiting comments. if you think I removed your prompt unfairly.

fic: gen battle

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