LJ Idol: Statement of Intention

Nov 23, 2016 09:16

Be it understood that by posting and linking this posting to the LJ Idol community, I am, at this late hour, committing myself to participate in LJ Idol season 10. May God have mercy on clauderainsrm's soul.

meme: lj idol

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Comments 6

bewize November 23 2016, 16:25:43 UTC
Happy to see you back!


fourzoas November 23 2016, 20:04:27 UTC
Thanks--hoping to go the distance this time around!


kathrynrose November 23 2016, 16:52:44 UTC
Yay! I asked Gary a while back if he'd heard from you. I'm looking forward to your entries!


fourzoas November 23 2016, 20:04:52 UTC
He was relentless in his facebook messaging...but I'm glad to be back!


millysdaughter November 23 2016, 19:58:42 UTC
Ummmmmm - Gary has no soul.
His shoes, however, do have soles.
Will those suffice?


fourzoas November 23 2016, 20:05:19 UTC
They'll have to do--let the dance over the hot coals begin!


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