Title: The Paint That Hides The Crime
dark_reactionPairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 2,937
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Pre-series AU. Sam comes out to Dean.
Notes: I really meant to write the next installment in the "ruined for all that follow verse," but that didn't happen. Instead, this was my interpretation of
balefully's prompt: Sam/Dean, h/c. I had no idea what I
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Comments 114
And I'm sorry about the freak-out-moment you had with your computer; sometimes technology can be so damn difficult, ugh.
Dean fell asleep with his bedroom light on low and Sam standing watch over him, like a put upon and yet still wryly affectionate saint.
Love it. And 'Sarge' - man. I can *so* see this. Excellent stuff.
Anyway! Thank you much! I'm very glad you like it!
It's things like this Sam standing watch over him, like a put upon and yet still wryly affectionate saint. that just makes your writing insanely amazing. And this? Sarge occasionally got dangerous, running around in his underwear, writing symbols on the wall. Jesus, Mary and Joseph do I have astounding love for the vibe you give for John here. Dark and violent, and the boys are so conditioned to it, that they have their excuses down pat. I have to add psychology to your never-ending list of accolades. You just shouldn't get to be so talented. =D
Anyway, can I compare you to philosophers and poets and wordsmorths JUST ON THE STRENGTH OF THIS COMMENT? Seriously, you always know how to make a girl feel good!
I was writing it, and I didn't even intend for it to be an AU, but somehow John just wound up crazy, and then I figured the only way that Dean wouldn't back him up, was if there actually WEREN'T any supernaturalish things. Also, I was one of those lame assholish kids that carried around a DSM-IV-TR and diagnosed everybody around me. Thankfully, I have gotten past that stage.
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